Chapter 11

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I change into the outfit that Makenna brought over. I tuck my white shirt into my yellow print skirt. Putting my brown belt around my waist then put on the jewelry she put in the bag to go with. Lastly I put on my yellow button up sweater to pull it together.  I sit on the toilet and slip on my heels and do up the buckles. I pull my makeup bag that I keep in my purse out and add a little amount of makeup. I dry and brush out my wavy hair and pin-up half of it. When I am ready I walk out to where Gabby and Reece are. 

I hear Gabby ask him, “You and mommy are staying together?”

I see him thinking about what to say to her.

“I hope so Gabby. Do not tell mommy but I think I still love her.” I hear him reply.

I stand there with my mouth wide open. He still loves me. I will admit I have feelings for him but I am not sure if I still love him. I need more time to think about my feelings.

I shake my head and let them know I am down, “You two ready?”

“Yeah.” Reece says looking me over from head to toe.

I hear him whisper, “Why did she have to get hotter.” I do not think I was supposed to hear that.

I grab Gabby’s bag and he holds her hand and walks her out to the car.

He throws me the keys before he is out the door, “Can you lock the door while I get her in her seat?”

I nod and lock his door. I look over and see Makenna and Peyton holding hands while leaving his place.

When I get over towards Reece I say, “Look at them.”

We both end up looking at each other when we see him kiss her. Wow they move fast but I guess liking someone since high school is a plus.

“Here!” I toss his back his keys before climbing into his truck.

“I have a feeling she will either be pregnant or engaged by the end of the month.” Reece says while backing out of his driveway.

“Do not say that. She may eat all the cupcakes before I can get any out then.” I joke back to him.

He laughs and says, “As long as they are happy she can eat the cupcakes.”

I look at him to see he has a smile on his face, “If that happens I will drag you’re a…” I look back at Gabby, “I mean butt out of bed and make you help me bake extras.”

He looks at me with a smirk before looking back at the road, “As long as it is just the two of us.”

I laugh and turn on the radio since Gabby loves music.

I pull my phone out of my purse when I hear my text message tone.

‘U did change right? If not I will kick R’s @$$...*KenKen*’

I start laughing, “What is funny?” I hear Reece ask.

Since we have stopped I she him the text. He starts laughing to.

I text back, ‘Yeah I changed. N we just laughed at what u sent. U know ur not intimidating right? *DezzieCakes*’

To which I get a reply of, ‘Fine b mean. All I care bout is what my man thinks of me. *KenKen*’

I look at the phone and my eyes widen. I look up when I hear Reece turn off the engine. I look and see Makenna and Peyton pulled up next to us. I hop out and look at her in a way that is asking if they are dating to which she nods. I smile and walk over to Peyton.

“Peyton…?” I say.

He looks at Reece who walked over to me with Gabby.

“…you hurt my best friend and I will chop off a certain part.” I say walking away.

{Reece’s POV}

I see Peyton pale when Destinee walked away. I can see Makenna trying not to laugh.

“She won’t really do anything will she?” Peyton asks.

I shrug, “It is Dezzie you never know.”

“Reece!?” I hear Destinee yell.

I walk towards her, “Yeah?”

“Your parents are the only ones not here yet.” She says looking a little worried.

My parents have always had a place in her heart. They are like her second set of parents they even helped Jordynn out once Destinee left for school.

I pass Gabby to Destinee and call my parents.

“Son?” I hear my dad say.

“Hey where are you guys we are all here?” I ask.

“We are on our way. We got caught up talking to our new neighbors. They have a daughter who used to go to your school. We are pulling in now though.” He says.

“Okay good. Dez was scared something happened.” I say to him.

I can hear that he is smiling when he says, “Well we are fine.”

He then hangs up when he pulls up next to Peyton’s car.

I look at Dez who is smiling and you can see that she is no longer worried. I see Gabby squirming to get down once she does she runs to my dad who picks her up and gives her a hug.

I look back at Destinee to see she has tears running down her cheeks. I walk over to her and wipe them away.

“What is wrong babe?” I ask her.

She wraps her arms around me, “They love her. I feel so bad for keeping her away from them for almost five years. I do not get how you all can forgive me for doing that.”

I kiss the top of her head, “We do not blame you sweetie. You did what was best at the time and for doing that I did something I probably would have never done if you never left.”

She pulls back and looks at me, “I heard what you told Gabby.”

I stiffen, “What did you hear?”

She smiles and puts her arms around my neck, “That you still love me.”

I relax because it is true. I want her and my daughter and a future for us three.

“What do you think about that?” I ask cautious.

She opens her mouth to reply when Makenna says, “Come on you two.”

“We will talk later.” I saw putting my arm around her and walking towards the others.

After the dinner we stop off at Destinee’s house so she can get a change of clothing for her and Gabby. I look back at Gabby and see she is starting to fall asleep.

When Destinee gets back in the car she says, “When we get to your place I have to run Makenna her change of clothes. She is staying with Peyton.”

Backing out I say, “Alright.”

When we get back to my place Destinee looks in the back and sees that Gabby is asleep. She slips out of her heels and puts them in the bag she brought for her and Gabby.

“I will be back in a second to help with Gabby.” She then takes off running towards Peyton’s.

When I see Destinee running back I go to grab Gabby.

“Reece?” I hear and I stiffen at the voice I have not heard since high school.

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