Chapter 3

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Those grey eyes that I left when I left for college. When I see him all the memories come back even the one I have been hiding for five years.

“Reece you are the one grilling for my grandmother?” I ask trying to not let any of my emotions be heard but I fail miserably.

He nods and points to his friend, “Yes Peyton and I are. Though your grandma told us to wait in here for a few minutes.”

Nodding I go to finish up the last of the desserts. I am putting the frosting on top of the cupcakes when I hear Makenna ask, “Do you want me to help?”

I look at her and shake my head. She walks up and whispers so only I can hear, “You can make it through the night with him.”

She knows that he is my ex-boyfriend and I can tell everyone in the room knows by how they are watching me. Grabbing the toffee and chocolate chip combination I have in a small bowl I sprinkle them on top of the frosting.

Looking at Jordynn I say, “Can you grab some small serving plates?” She quickly nods and grabs out six plates.

I place them in front of all of us along with the desserts, “Okay only one cupcake and a small amount of the puppy chow. We are going to taste them.” Looking at Reece I say, “Do not worry I did not put anything in them like I did when I was 18.”

I can tell by how fast his eyes look down at what he is about to put on his plate that he is remembering what I am talking about.

Swallowing he looks up, “That is good to know. Also how many times are you going to make me say sorry and…”

Looking at him and glaring I say, “Do not finish that sentence. Just try everything so I can get them back in the fridge. “

He nods and takes a bite hesitantly of his cupcake. When he does his eyes widen and snap towards me.

“So?” I ask for some reason I want his approval.

“All I can say is it is better than I thought.” He says stuffing the rest into his mouth.

I look at him with my eyebrow raised, “Oh really I guess that is what four years of baking school does to yeah.”

Everyone else starts laughing. I look over at Makenna and see she is staring at Reece’s friend.

Walking over to him I say, “You can flirt with my friend as long as I know your name.”

His cheeks go red but he answers saying, “As Reece said my name is Peyton. Peyton Alexander to be exacts.”

That name sounds familiar. Think Destinee think. Like a light bulb went off. I look at Makenna than him and now I know why it sounded familiar.

I walk up to Reece and whisper, “You still have the same number right?”

When he nods I send out a quick text saying, ‘He is who Makenna liked in high school *DezzieCake*.’

When he read what I sent his eyes widen then he says something that makes me smack the back of his head and glare at Kenna, “Nice text message signature.” He says laughing.

“Makenna thought of it and I actually liked it. It is my nickname plus it has my love for baking so it fits.” I say.

My grandma walks in and says, “You guys can start the grilling now.”

Nodding we all walk out and start to set up. Once that is done I pour myself an alcoholic drink and I got one for Reece since I am the only one who knows what he drinks.

“You still drink right?” I ask walking up to him.

“Depends on what you are trying to give me.” He says looking at me.

I laugh and say, “Something we can legally have now.”

He raised his eyebrows, “What is it?”

“Whiskey.” I say.

He grabs the cup I was holding out and takes a drink, “I am shocked you remember what I drank.”

Shrugging, “It is not that hard when you would always make me go get them for you so you could flirt with some drunk chick while I was gone.”

“They would come onto me not the other way around.” He says.

I laugh, “That is what they all say.”

He gets up to flip the burgers that he is doing while Peyton is doing hot dogs. When he does I steal his seat.

“Come on I was sitting there.” He says when he turns around to sit again.

I shrug and take a drink of my vodka. While taking my drink I feel myself being lifted than sat back down. Reece picked me up and sat me down on his lap like he did in high school.

“You still hate me don’t you?” He asks before taking a drink.

Sighing I tell him the truth, “No I don’t hate you. However I still cannot believe you believed that tramp. She is even the one that…” I stop myself before I tell him what he does not know.

“One that what?” He asks.

I stand and walk over to go refill my cup that I just chugged.

“Destinee?” He whispers.

Looking at him I say, “Something that I would have to be drunk to tell you.”

I walk around and talk to people that I have not seen in years and start to catch up and I start to feel glad that I am home. I am on my fourth cup of vodka and I am starting to feel it.

Makenna, Jordynn and Leighton come up to me a drag me towards the make shift stage where we have a karaoke machine place and it is set up to my laptop so we can sing any new song if we wanted the girls type in what they want to sing and I smirk and nod.

The four of us start to sing the song that we chose.

 ‘Putting my defenses up

 Cause I don't wanna fall in love

If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack

Never put my love out on the line

 Never said yes to the right guy

 Never had trouble getting what I want

 But when it comes to you I'm never good enough

 When I don't care

 I can play him like a Ken doll

 Won't wash my hair

 Then make him bounce like a basketball

 But you make me wanna act like a girl

 Paint my nails and wear high heels

 Yes you make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand

You make me glow

 But I cover up, won't let it show

 So I'm putting my defenses up

 Cause I don't wanna fall in love

 If I ever did that, I think I'd have a heart attack

 I think I'd have a heart attack

 I think I'd have a heart attack’

That song seems to fit me right now and throughout my whole teenage love life. I am happy that the person who has caused me so much pain is not here. When we finish I look over to where Reece was and see him with this sad but happy look on his face. That is when I knew I was not completely over Reece Mitchell.


The links for the recipes for the desserts are:

Simple Puppy Chow:

Mocha Surprise Cupcakes:,173,144170-238207,00.html

Site for the lyrics to the song:

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