Chapter 8

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Once we place Gabby’s food in front of her she starts eating. We place her in the chair that Reece was sitting in that way he could eat. I look over at her and see she is talking to Leighton and Jordynn who have banned Reece and I from the table.

While everyone is eating I head to the back part of the bakery. I decide to make some cupcakes. I always do that when I am happy or sad. I decide to just make a simple vanilla cupcake with chocolate frosting and sprinkles. While the cupcakes are in the oven I start on the frosting.

{Recce’s POV}

When everyone is done eating I look and see that there still is one sub that has not been eaten. Looking around I notice that that Destinee is missing.

“Check the back. She loves baking.” Makenna says once she notices me looking around.

I nod and walk to the back and smile when I see Destinee taking cupcakes out of the oven. I decide to play a trick on her. So when her back is turned I tip toes over and grab the frosting bowl and then hide.

“Where in the world…” I hear her say.

When she is looking around I see her face transform into something like she has an idea.

“Oh well I guess the frosting made with mud will not be put on the cupcakes. To think I wanted to watch Reece’s face go green again.” She says.

“Hey.” I say standing.

She laughs, “Next time you take me frosting make sure you do not hide somewhere where I can see you in my appliances.”

I laugh then hands her the bowl, “Did you really put mud in here?”

{Destinee’s POV}

I shake my head and start to frost the cupcakes. He walks up to me and wraps his arms around my waist. It brings back memories of when he did that when we were teenagers. He would always put frosting on my nose when I was not paying attention.

“I remember when you used to wrap your arms around me and put frosting on my nose.” I say putting some frosting on my fingers.

He laughs and that is when I turn in his arms and wipe my fingers across his face run to where everyone is.

“DESTINEE!” I hear behind me.

“Save me.” I say and hide behind Gabby.

When everyone sees him they start laughing. Even Gabby is laughing. She walks up to him and pulls on his shirt.

When he kneels she puts her finger on one of the chocolate streaks and puts her finger in her mouth, “Yum chocolate.”

That makes us all laugh I quickly slip back into the back to bring out the cupcakes. I see Reece wiping off his face.

I look over at Makenna and Gabby, “You two want to do your favorite part?”

When Gabby nods Jordynn picks her up and places her on the counter and helps her put some sprinkles on a few. Makenna does some then hands the rest of her sprinkles to Leighton to do the rest. I smile at the sight. Reece walks up to me again and wraps his arms around me.

“Are you together again?” I hear Ella ask.

“Yeah she gave me another chance. Mostly so we could try to be a family for Gabby.” Reece says.

While everyone is talking and eating the cupcakes I go in the back and eat my sub. I also grab a cup of pop before going in there.

When I take a bite I hear, “Hiding again?”

I turn and see Ella walking towards me.

Once I swallow the bite I had in my mouth I say, “No I just thought I would eat back here.”

She sits next to me, “I am happy you gave Reece another chance. I mean you two I think were meant to be together otherwise you would not have been blessed with that angel in there.”

“I am going to tell you something but you cannot say anything to Reece.” I say to her.

When she nods her head I say, “I almost came back when I found out the sex of the baby. I was in a bad car accident on my way home from school and I thought I lost her. Plus Travis told me that Reece had straightened out his act once I left and was going to school. But I was scared if I came back and told him that he would relapse and go back to his old self.”

“You know I think you probably did the right thing by choosing to stay so he would not go back to his old self. I was not happy with how he was acting his senior year of school and I was like once you left something in him made him grow up. I just hope he can keep it together now that you are back because I want to continue to know my granddaughter.” She said.

I take another bite after asking, “What did he go to school for?”

“He is a math teacher over at the high school. He always said that you told him that he should do something that he loves to do for his future job so he did. He just finished his first year there.” She smiles.

“I think Gabby is going to do something with clothing.” I say.

“Yeah Reece said she has more clothes than a normal person.” She laughs.

“In her defense most of it is play clothing.” I laugh out.

She laughs, “I will let you finish eating. If he asks I will tell him you are back here eating.”

“Thanks.” I say before taking another bite.

{Recce’s POV}

I see my mom come out from the back. She grabs the Coca Cola and hands it to me.

When I look at her crazy she says, “Go see if she needs her cup filled up.”

“Who?” I ask.

“Who is the only one you know who drinks Coca Cola?” My mom looks at me.

I think then it hits me, “Oh. She in back again?”

She nods, “She is eating her sub.”

I laugh and grab a cupcake also. Figured she made them she should have one.

“Do you need a refill?” I ask once I am close to her.

She jumps a little but nods.

Covering her mouth she says, “Thank you.” Once I put more pop into her cup.

I sit down next to her, “So what were you and my mom talking about?”

“Me,” She says then takes the last bite of her sub.

“Me? What about me?” I ask.

“So you are a math teacher.” She says and you can hear the joking in her voice.

He scratches the back of his neck, “Yeah. I was going to tell you.”

I laugh at him, “Gabby has the weirdest parents.” She says.

“Why do you say that?” I ask.

“Let’s see the guy who hated school but did well in his subjects is now something that he never listened to in school. And her mom owns a bakery.” She laughs.

I can see why she is laughing and laugh too. I never thought of it like that.

“You may know this then since you are a teacher. When can I sign Gabby up for kindergarten? I have all her preschool papers with me.” She says.

“Well school starts in a month so I can get the papers for you to fill out.” I say.

She smiles, “Thank you. Shockingly Gabby loves school. At least she gets something good from me.” She says before walking to throw away her wrappers.

I laugh because I could not agree with her more.

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