Chapter 2

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Diving down the familiar roads I drove down five years ago seems like I just drove down them yesterday. I look in my rearview mirror to make sure that Makenna’s truck is still behind me. We are heading to my grandma’s house first since my grandma decided to have a town barbeque. She literally made poster for it. Put it this way our town is so small everyone knows everyone’s business.  So my grandma thought she should invite the whole town since she said everyone missed us two girls.

I pull up my grandma’s long driveway and honk twice. A couple minutes Jordynn and Leighton are knocking Makenna and me onto the ground because they tackled us. I can hear my grandma laughing in the distance. When I am free of my sister I walk up to my grandma and she gives me a big bear hug.

She whispers through her tears, “It is great to have you two back safe darling. You parents would be so proud of what you have accomplished so far.”

I hug her back but not too tightly to break her, “I know grandma.” Releasing her I say, “What do you need us to do to help with the barbeque?”

She smiles, “I put you four girls on desert duty.”

I look back at Makenna and say, “I owe you five dollars.” Her response is a big smile.

“Why do you owe her money sweetie?” My grandma asks once I walk into the house with her.

“I thought the two girls would have had it done and Makenna thought it wouldn’t be done and that it would be up to us girls.” I say laughing.

I grab the little notebook my grandma writes in for what she needs from the store and raid her kitchen to see what she has so I do not have to buy a lot of things. Looking around her kitchen I see that she has a lot of things that I can use. I guess my sister and Leighton have been baking a lot.

I write out my list:

1)      Chocolate Chips

2)      Peanut Butter

3)      Instant Coffee

4)      Cream Cheese

I decide to make a Simple Puppy Chow and some Mocha Surprise Cupcakes. My grandma had most of the ingredients that I needed so this will be a quick shopping trip.

Looking my grandma I ask, “Do you need anything while I am at the store?”

She puts her finger up to her lips and looks at the ceiling while she is thinking. It makes me laugh to see she can still act like a little kid at times.

“Can you pick up a lot of pop, juices and adult beverages?” She says the last part in a whisper.

“Grandma who would think you would want some adult drinks.” I say acting shocked.

My grandma does not like to say the word alcohol so she says adult drinks. I think it is funny.

“Yeah I think it would be good for you and Makenna to have a relaxing night with some old friends. You know even maybe meet someone.” She says.

“Grandma I will meet someone when the time is right. I am not sure if I am ready for someone else in my life right now I have to focus on the bakery.” I say while adding what she said to the list. I add, “We will take the girls with us but take our boxes to the house first.”

She nods and walks over and kisses my forehead.

I walk outside and see Jordynn and Leighton playing keep away with Makenna but she does not look happy that they have her phone.

“Girls!” I yell.

They all stop and Makenna takes that time to grab her phone and puts it in her back pocket and sticks her tongue out at the girls when they look at her with their mouths wide open.

“Children!” I yell to which they all look at me.

I start laughing while saying, “We are going to take the boxes to the house than go to the store to get a few things.” When they nod and walk towards the vehicles I say, “Makenna…”When she looks at me I say, “Are you sure you are old enough to drive? I mean you did answer when I said children.” She glares at the girls when they start laughing.

“I am sure I can make it there without trying to kill Leighton.” She smirks at Leighton’s pale look.

We head off to the house that is a little drive from my grandma’s house and start taking the boxes into the house.

It took about an hour to get all the boxes unpack and set in the living room. When we all got back in the trucks to head to the store Jordynn called our grandma to let her know we were heading to the store she hung up with her but not before saying that we were going to stop at the mall quick.

“Since when did we decide we were going to stop at the mall. “I ask glancing at her when she hangs up the phone.

“Come on sis you need to look like you are 23 years old not 50 years old. It looks like you raided grandma’s closet.” She says laughing.

I sigh and say, “Fine call Leighton and have her ask Kenna if she want to go there if so we will stop there before we head to the store.”

She smiles and calls Leighton and puts it on speaker phone so I can hear the whole call. That is how I ended up in the mall in an outfit that showed so much skin. Though I have to admit I do look good. Makenna and I bought all the clothing the girls told us to. Which make us feel like we never left. Makenna and I make a quick stop at Victoria secret since we can never go to a mall without buying something from there. When we are done we head to the store than back to my grandma’s house to start the deserts.

We all walk into the house and get the ingredients for the deserts we are making. The girls make the puppy chow and Makenna and I make the cupcakes. We turn on some music and start dancing and singing.

“I love this song.” All four of us say when Girl on Fire By Alicia Keys comes on.

That is how we were found when my grandma came in with the meat that was going to be being grilled.

She laughed, “You four go get cleaned up the boys that are grilling for me will be here in a little while.”

When we get upstairs I am the last one to take a shower because all the girls want me to braid their hair. My sister’s is in pigtails, Leighton’s is so it can go over her left arm and Makenna’s is straight down her back. So when they are all done I hope in the shower and put on the outfit my sister chose for me which is ripped up black jeans and a white tank top that I pair with my black button up vest that hugs my slim waistline that I pair with my black knee high heeled boots.

When I walk down the stairs I hear all the girls talking with to males. I can hear Makenna flirting with someone. When I turn the corner I stand stock still and find myself staring into the grey eyes that are staring into mine.


Let me know what you think of this chapter. =D

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