Chapter 10: Brent to the Rescue and Wyatt's POV

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I couldn't believe that I didn't see that coming! It was obvious that Wyatt found Stacey attractive, I mean, he's tooken her side over mine! His own girlfriend. But to do something like that? I just couldn't believe it. 

I pushed my way through the crowd of people, needing air to flow their my body. I stepped out the back door and fell to the ground under one of the trees. I bowed my head between my knees and let the water works roll. I gripped my knees in place with my hands and sobbed uncontrolably. 

I hated this feeling. The feeling that I'm hurting everywhere and it won't ever stop. The feeling that I could die any minute. The feeling that I wanted to be with someone, but with no one at the same time. The feeling that I was hopless. I had no name for this feeling, but that didn't change the way it made me feel. 

I just wanted to sit there all night and never move again. I never wanted to see Wyatt or Stacey's face again. I just wanted out and I never wanted back in!! I wanted the feeling to just stop already!!

I heard the sliding glass door open and close behind someone. I clutched my legs tighter, as if I thought they wouldn't be able to see me. I heard footsteps stepping closer to me and when I looked up I had to admit I thought that I'd see Wyatt or Ian, but it wasn't. To my surprise, it was Brent. 

I quickly wiped my eyes and put on the best smile I could munster up. But you could tell that it failed by his expression. He took a seat next to me.

"Hey." He greeted.

"Uh... Hi?" 

"That sounded like a question... But I really don't have an answer to 'Hi?' Sorry." He smiled.

I playfully slapped him. "It wasn't a question."

"Then what was it?" He asked.

"I was just surprised because I was like crying and you didn't say anything." I breathed a laugh.

"Well, I wasn't gonna demand an answer. I barely know you and I doubt that you'd be okay with me all in your business. That doesn't mean I don't care though. I'm just saying, that if you want to tell me you can, but that's up to you." He quickly explained.

"Oh no.. It's just.... I saw Stacey and Wyatt kissing...." I mumbled.

"Wow... That sucks." Brent breathed uncomfortably. "What you gunna do?" He asked.

"I ain't gunna do anything right now. Well, at least nothing that goes under the word 'revenge.'" I sighed. "It's wierd... I kinda expected something like this to happen all along... I always kinda figured that Wyatt was into her, but I always pushed that fact to the side because, I guess, I was afraid that it was true..."

"Hmmm..." Brent sighed, thinking over what I just admited.

"It's sad really." I breath a laugh.

Brent looked at me questioningly. "What's sad?"

"I just feel like.... I dunno... A charity case or something." I smiled a sad smile at the ground.

"You're not a charity case." He chuckled. "Wyatt's just, well, an ass sometimes."

"No. He's not." I reply angerily.

"Sorry... I just thought..."

"He's not an ass... He just... I think... It's just that I think he's liked Stacey all along and he only asked me to be his girlfriend because he felt sorry for me."

"That's not-"

"It is true... I mean, it makes perfect sense. He asked me out only a few days after I moved in with them. He must've felt bad because my parents died and I was all alone with three little brothers to take care of. That's all I had and Wyatt must've just wanted me to have alittle more to call my own."

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