Chapter 12: Wyatt's POV and Brent's Secret

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{A/N}: Alright let's start CHAPTER 9 with a little bit of Wyatt's POV!!!

So please tell me what you guys think about this story :)


Wyatt's POV


"Hey, Elle." I heard Jeremy call. I looked up to see Elle stopped dead in her tracks, looking to Jeremy. Her eyes were red and her face was yet. "Your guy sure is the life of the party." Jeremy continued.

I looked at her with the feeling of regret surging through my veins. I hated myself for hurting her so much. I wanted to be the one saving and protecting her. I never thought that I would be the one causing the pain... Elle's expression turned into a steady glare as she looked to me. I flinched under that look. I've only seen Elle mad the one time on her mom's birthday. This was 10x worse.

"He's not my guy anymore." She replied coldy.

Hearing those words come out of her mouth killed me inside. I could of died right then and there.

"Ouch." Jeremy replied as every one else chuckled.

Elle continued walking into the kitchen. I went after her but stopped in the doorway, backing up so she couldn't see me, but I could see and hear her just fine. I watched as she leaned agaisnt the counter next to Brent.

"Couldn't find her?" Brent asked.

"Worse she's drunk." Elle groaned. "And I had a run-in with Wyatt." She mumbled.

"You seem a bit stressed." Brent replied, leaning agaisnt the counter next to my girl.

"That's the understatement of the year." Elle sighed with a frown. "I just wanna go home. I'm in no party mood after what happened."

"You just need a little drink." Brent said, I watched as he handed her a beer. My eyes widened. I had made a point of telling Elle I never wanted her to drink without me around. I told her that after she told me she's never had a beer or anything along those lines as a matter of fact. Just because of what happened, would she disobey me?

"I don't drink." I sighed as I heard her say that.

"Just a sip. Gotta start somewhere." Brent pushed her.

"I dunno.... Never done this before." She replied.

"You act like you're stealing a car. No worries, I'll make sure you don't go over board." Brent smiled. I hated that he said that. It was my job to take care of and protect Elle, not his!

I watched with anger as Elle reached for Brent's beer. She brought it to her lips but hesitated. Please rethink this! I screamed in my mind, hoping Elle would hear. I know I seem like I'm making a big deal. I know it's only beer, but truth is, if she drank from that bottle, she'd be disobeying me and that meant she didn't care. Which meant that she didn't care about me, meaning that she hated me and that it was all over. I was freaking out!!!

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