Chapter 8: Dreams and Shopping

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I couldn't tell where I was. I was running through the darkness. I was in a building in my dream land, that's what I was sure of. I climbed the stairs and ran down the hall, I saw a light that creeped under a crack between a door and the floor. Just from the small light, I could tell I was at the Jone's house. I ran down the hall as the darkness chased me. The light was coming from Wyatt's room.

He'd be able to save me from the darkness. I thought hopefully.

I whipped open the door. My mouth immediatly gaped open and tears stung at my eyes as I saw what was going on. All I needed to see was Stacey Gram laying in Wyatt's bed to know that this wasn't good. Wyatt was starring at me with horror in his eyes.

"Elle..." He trailed off.

Stacey sat up, wrapping her arms around him. "Told you, he is mine." Her smile was evil.

Wyatt went to get up. "Elle, I'm so sorry. I-"

Before Wyatt could finish, I tore off down the hall. I slide down the banister and out the back door. I could hear Wyatt's sad attempts to get me back to him. I ran into the woods, I could hear footsteps behind me and assumed it was Wyatt, but when a hand grabbed me and pulled me to their chest, I looked up into Ian's beautiful, blazing blue eyes.

"Ian..." Was all I could get because of the sobs that were caught in my throat.

He pressed my head to his chest. "I know. It's okay." He whispered in my ear.

My tears stained his shirt and my cries were muffled. Ian lifted up my chin.

"He's an ass. I'm not." Was what he said before crushing my mouth to his. It was the sweetest, bestest, most perfect kiss ever....

Too bad it wasn't real.

I woke to find myself being shaken by Ian. I jumped when I had just seen him two seconds ago... somewhere else. He looked worried.

"Are you okay? I heard you crying and screaming." He said.

I lifted a finger to my eyes, they were wet and probably red. "I... I had a bad dream." I said.

"A dream? Want to tell me about it?" He said making himself comfortable in my bed.

"It was... about Wyatt." I mumbled. "You were there too, and so was Stacey..." I stopped when the tears started again.

Ian took my into a hug. "You don't have to tell me." He said.

I nodded. "What time is it?"

"Uh... around one." He said.

I groaned. "I hate nightmares."

Ian walked over to my closet and pulled down a blanket and a pillow.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he laid them out by my bed.

"I'm gunna sleep here. Maybe you won't have anymore bad dreams if you know someone like me is around." He said, sweeping his hair out of his eyes.

It was weird how I only saw him do that around me, but once someone else came around his hair was back in his face. Weird.

I seattled back into bed as Ian went to shut off the light.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Uh. Yeah." I said.

He turned out the light, plunging us into darkness. I clutched to my blanket, not wanting the nightmares to return. I felt the heat of Ian's hand in the palm of mine.

"The dark isn't really that scary. You should of told me you were afriad of the dark."

"I am not afraid of the dark." I gave him a flat expression, though I know he couldn't see it.

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