Chapter 13: I Be With You

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Alright on to another chapter. :)


Ian pulled me out of the car and past the house. I had no idea where he was taking me, but I knew he was beyond pissed.

"Um.... Ian?"

"What?" He snapped.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the lake. We need to talk."


"About what happened last night." He answered simply.

I groaned internally. I didn't want to talk about last night, specifically Wyatt.

Ian pulled me onto a forest trail that led past the soccer field. A stream appeared before long, and we followed it deeper into the green, peaceful forest. Before long, the stream opened up into a huge lake. There was a waterfall and one point with rocks all around so you could jump down into the sparking water. 

"I never realized this was here..." I gasped.

"Yeah, it's one of the best parts of the Reserve, and no one really knows about it anyway." Ian explained. 

He let my hand fall from his as he walked to the edge of the rocky cliff. He took a seat with a huff of breath and daggled his feet over the edge. He patted the grass next to him for me to sit. I did. It was really quiet as we watched the lake below us. It must have been an enternity before Ian finally said something.

"He's an ass." Ian breathed as if he was talking to himself. 

"Mhmm." I sighed.

"What happened at Brent's?" Ian asked sternly.

"Nothing." I groaned. "I just stayed at his house. I slept on the floor and Brent slept in his bed."

"On the phone, you said you slept in his bed." Ian accused. "What happened?"

"Okaaaay! Fine! We slept in the bed together. BUT, we didn't do anything!" I groaned, laying on my back.

"Just... Just, don't do it again." Ian sighed, laying back with me. 

"Trust me, it's not on my list."


It was about 4:30pm before we headed back for the Reserve house. He got to say 'hello' to Eric, Joe, and Jacob on the way back. Eric had already heard about what happened with Wyatt and he wasn't very happy with his cousin at all. I told him not to worry, that I was over it already.

Ian and I headed into the house only to be met with a very worried Melissa. She pulled me into a hug.

"Where the hell have you been, young lady?" She asked me.

"Sorry to worry you guys. I just-" I spared a look into the living room to see Wyatt watching me with Zach next to him.

"I just had a ruff night. I'm not feeling too well, though. I think I'm going to lie down." I smiled reassuringly at Melissa.

When Zach realized I had come through the door, he sprinted over to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEEEEAD!!!" He screamed dramatically.

I gave him a flat expression. "Thanks for having faith in me, Zach."

"I'm serious." He smiled.

"So am I." 

Zach and Ian walked with me up to my room. We spent most of the time before dinner watching random movies that we found around our rooms. We were in the middle of Beauty and The Beast when there was a knock at my bedroom door.

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