Chapter 14: I Can't Stand Hospitals

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Hey guys. Not sure how this chapter is going to go. I'm not sure if I want to change somethings in the last chapter or keep what I have and add what I was thinking toward the end. =/ serious thinking going on here lol.

Well here ya go :) 


The hospital was a beautiful white color. Usually when you see what buildings, they look sickly, ugly, plain, and old, but this was different. That didn't mean that it was easy for Ian to carry me in. 

"Elle! I... can't breathe!" Ian gasped.

I slightly loosened my grip from around his neck. "I don't wanna go in there! Please don't take me in there!!" I cried in Ian's arms.

"Sweety, we have to get your leg checked out.." Melissa soothed.

"I don't care! I changed my mind. Anything but this! Anything but this!" I cried, shutting my eyes tightly and digging my face into Ian's chest. 'Take me away from this place. Please!' I thought to myself.

I wasn't trying to be dramatic. Believe me, I wanted to look strong in front of everyone, especially for Luke, Richey, and Chad, but I just couldn't. I can't go in hospitals. I haven't been in one since my parents died. I remember that the both made it to the hospital but died in the middle of the night. I couldn't stand to be in hospitals since then. Just seeing their lifeless bodies laying in the hospital beds, it tore me up.

"Hey, Mom. Why don't you go in with them," Indicating my brothers, Wyatt, Jamey, Zach, and Blake, "I'll talk to Elle." Ian smiled.

"Well, alright. We'll go find a doctor, don't be long.... And don't let her walk on that foot." Melissa warned.

"I know, I know." Ian chuckled. 

I got a glance of Wyatt's face before he followed his brothers and mother through the door. He looked sad, regretful, jealous, and hurt. I didn't understand why I felt so bad. I mean, it was his own fault for how we are now.

Ian carried me to a bench that sat a few feet from the hospital door, right under a nice, almost full grown tree. He took a seat, but as I went to scoot from his lap, he held me in place with a hug.

"Elle, you're a clutz." I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Yeah.. I know." I couldn't help but smile with him.

"Why can't you go in there?" Ian asked.

"My parents... I haven't stepped foot in a hospital since they died in the one back home." I sighed into Ian's shoulder.

"I'd like to hear about what happened. I'm interested in everything about you, Elle. I really wanna know everything..." Ian admitted.

My eyes widened. "You can't!" 

Ian looked at me with concern.

"I mean, I just can't tell you. It's hard."

"I'm not asking you to start pouring out to me now. In time, Elle. When you're ready, if you're ever ready, I'd like to know." Ian said simply.

I drew in a breath of relief.

I'm not exactly sure how long we sat there. We talked about school, Wyatt, the Gram girls, what we wanted to make of ourselves in life. We even talked about Ian's past girlfriends, which was kinda funny. But the whole time, I knew it was coming: I was going to have to face one of my biggest fears and go inside that hell hole. And it came right when Ian said:

"You think you're ready, now?"

I took in a deep breath. "Yeah... I think so."

"I'm not going to leave you, okay?" Ian reassured me.

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