"Yugi?" A deep baritone voice broke him out of his thoughts.

"Hmm?" he asked glancing at Yami.

"I would appreciate it if you did not say anything about all of this to the others," Yami whispered as the two doppelgangers walked through the parking lot.

Yugi shook his head, "It's not my secret to tell, Yami. I won't say anything."

"Thank you, Yugi," The crimson eyed Egyptian swung his leg over the black motorcycle and held his hand out to help Yugi onto the cycle. Yami placed the helmet on the petite doppelgangers head; his nimble fingers strapping the protective gear on the smaller tri-colored teen, "If you don't mind, I would like to make a stop for a little while before I take you home."

"Sure, where do you want to go?" Yugi asked.

"The park. I need to think and talk to someone I trust," Yami answered as he turned to the front of the bike and brought the machine roaring to life. Yugi locked his arms around Yami's torso getting lost in his thoughts while Yami drove to the park near The Game Shop.

/I wonder why his abilities didn't work on me. I know when I heard him sing that one day, I wanted to hear more. I needed to hear more of his singing, but I didn't feel any other emotions except that. Oh, and finding out the Ms. Davidson is one too. I didn't see that one coming./ Yugi was brought out of his thoughts as Yami stopped the motorcycle and removed the helmet from Yugi's tri-colored spiked head.

"You were so quiet the whole way," Yami smiled to him as he helped him slide off the tall black motorcycle.

"I was just thinking," Yugi responded as he watched a gentle smile cross the beautiful dusky lips of Yami. "Oh yea, you mentioned you wanted to go somewhere private and quiet where you could think and we could talk. I know of the perfect place. Come on." Yugi knew the park Yami drove them to very well. It was his favorite park in Domino; not that they had many, but it still had a charm to it that the others didn't have. Yugi led Yami through a gravel pathway through the woods and up to a hill where a few benches rest near a fountain. Yami went to sit on the edge of the fountain and stare down into the water.

"Thank you for bringing me here," Yami watched the water flow through the fountain.

"You're welcome," Yugi sat next to Yami. He did not want to pry. He knew Yami wanted to talk to him and he would when he was ready.

Almost as if on queue, Yami sighed, "I cannot believe my family never told me about this. At least one of them had to be siren for me to inherit it." Yami became silent, his crimson eyes unfocused as he thought about his parents, "I bet at least my mother was. I remember a few times where my adventurous side got me into trouble and hurt. She would always sing to help me feel better."

"Wait..your mother..'was'? What do you mean your mother 'was'? Where is she now?" Yugi asked curiously.

Yami smiled softly at the youth before him, "She is no longer with us. She passed on several years ago. My father passed earlier this year. I think he died of a broken heart. He was never the same after mother passed."

"I'm very sorry about your parents, Yami," compassion and sympathy filled amethyst met the deep crimson pools of the young siren.

"Thank you. Also, I'm sorry for biting your lip so hard. I just needed to give you the air so you wouldn't drown while we were hiding," tan fingers reached up to touch Yugi's small bruised and slightly plump lower lip.

"I must admit it caught me off guard. I am grateful that you saved me thought. I really don't know why this guy is after me and I have a feeling it's not over yet," Yugi reached down to touch the water in the fountain creating ripples as the liquid gave way to the movement of his fingers.

"Did he say anything to you?" Yami asked.

"Not really. Nothing important. At least nothing I can think of off the top of my head," Yugi responded continuing to play with the water.

"If you remember something, please let me know. I want to help you resolve this bully problem," Yami leaned forward; forcing Yugi's attention onto himself instead of the water.

"You've done enough, Yami! You saved my life today," Yugi gaped at the siren. He could not believe that Yami was offering to help with such a dangerous man after everything Yami had already done for him.

"I want to. You are my friend. I don't want anything to happen to you," Yami smiled at the amethyst eyed teen.

Yugi felt a small pang of sadness as Yami stated that. /His...friend.../ Yugi blinked surprised at himself. /What the hell is with me? What are these feelings that I get every time I am near him? And why would being called his friend make me feel sad? I just don't get it./

"Yugi?" Yami was waving a tanned hand in front of his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was just lost in thought," Yugi sighed.

"What about?" the baritone voice asked in concern.

"Nothing important. Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?" Yugi responded looking away afraid his eyes would tell the true story of what is going on in his head.

"Well, I do need to practice my abilities and see what kind of 'powers' I have. Would you like to go on a swim with me tomorrow?" Yami smiled.

Large amethyst eyes widened as his head snapped back around to look at Yami, "That sounds great! I would love to. Just remember we have to be back by 4:00 pm to meet the group to work on the World History Project."

"I'm sure that can be arranged," Yami smiled, "Time to get you home. You have had quite the exhausting day little one."

Yugi giggled, "So have you, Yami!" The taller merely winked before standing and following Yugi back out of the forest section of the park.

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