Chapter 17

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*at the hospital after 6 hours*

Nikki pov

I sat there emotionless. The doctor came out.

Doctor: family for Stephan joseph Johnson

Everybody stood up.

Doctor- well he is hook up to life support at the moment. the bullet missed his heart by a centimeter. He needs a heart transplant by next Monday or we turn off the machines.

The doctor walked away. My dad said he was going to give him the transplant. My dad signed the donor papers and set the chart on the counter of the desk. i hid behind the vending machine and waited for everybody to leave. When everybody left. i ran up to the desk and grabbed a new sheet of donor papers and threw my dads in the trash. i signed my name on it and turned it in. The nurse took it and brought me towards the back. I saw Stephans body and a lot of hooks. They took me to the operation room and said i have 15 minutes to get prepared. i used those 15 minutes to think. i finally get to be with Jordan in heaven. i look to my left and saw Jordan standing there smileing.

Jordan- told you i would see you soon. You are doing something good Nikki thank you for hurting the person who killed me. i understand you still love him so you are helping him. love you see you in a few. shay shay :)



A few tears of happiness fell from my eyes. The nurse put the medicine in me and it started kicking in. I put a big smile on my face and

WENT OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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