chapter 15

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Nikki pov

I didn't get any sleep last night. I did my hygiene stuff and got dressed. I walked around the house and grabbed all pictures of me and Jordan and packed them up in my suitcase. I grabbed some of Jordans clothes and packed them up. I put my suitcase in the backseat and drove off. I kept crying and crying. I made it to Shawns apartment. I took my suitcase out the backseat . I walked inside the house and saw all the boys sleep in the living room. I carried my bag upstairs to see Shawn sleeping in my bed. I sat my suitcase down. I walked over to him and kissed his forehead and starred at his sleeping body. I cried even harder. My tears kept hitting him in his face. He woke up and look at me. When his eyes were adjusted and he hugged me tightly.

Shawn- don't you ever leave me you hear me shay shay

Nikki- I went to me and Jordans hideout

Shawn- I don't car shay shay I missed you im so sorry for everything I ever did to you I miss the way we bonded please I miss my little shay shay

Nikki- im still here I promise

After we finshed hugging Kevin, Stephan and daddy came in and hugged me.

Nikki- can I ask you guys something.

Kevin- wassup

Nikki- did you guys ever hear from Tammy or Krystal.

Kevin- well Krystal was killed on graduation day. Nobody knows how she died but we all know who killed her.

Nikki- tammy.......?

Kevin- no some nigga named trey

i jumped up.

Nikki- that's the same dude who raped me twice and kept raping her. That's also the same dude who beat the shit out of me and put me in a coma for 2 weeks. Him and Tammy.

Shawn- tf shay that nigga disappeared.

Nikki- oh well lets all go have fun today.

Flash- i got to get to the trap ill see you guys later and you better not runaway like that again babygirl understood.

Nikki- understood.

Stephan left the room not saying one word to me. i felt sad. i love that boy so much. I know he fucked Tammy but still Stephan has the piece of my heart that isn't with Jordan. i turned towards Kevin and Shawn.

Nikki- phone please

S/K- HELL NAW                  

Nikki- you niggers.

i walked downstairs and saw Stephan sitting there getting high. i walked over to him and hugged him.

Stephan- stop playing with my emotions Nikki what are we

Nikki- i don't mean to play with them and we are i don't know you tell me.

Stephan- you know i didn't mean to fuck tammy it was an accident you really do have my heart. i have been feeling you for a while and when you left it felt like my whole world crashed. im sorry for hitting you.

Nikki- its fine babe. its just thug love boo

We kissed. i got up and walked outside. i walked down the street and saw trey. He walked up to me and smirked. i thought back to Krystal. He walk up to me and started touching my body. i pulled his gun out his side and shot him in between his eyes. When his blood splashed on me it made me feel great. I looked down at his Body and shot his head 3 more times. I pointed the gun down to his dick and shot it off. i took the gun with me and walked back to the house. i walked in and Shawn jumped up.

Shawn- shay you just got back what happened to you

i smiled at him.

Nikki- i killed Trey and it felt soooooo good

Kevin - the fuck you sound creepy.

Nikki- it was like as soon as i pulled his gun out from his waist i felt enraged and started shooting him.

They looked at me crazy then started laughing. i didn't see Stephan so i called him in front of Shawn and kevin.

When he picked up i heard him confess some things. i threw the phone and started crying. Shawn came over to me and hugged me tightly. Kevin went to pick up the phone and saw the phone was broke.






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