"You may excuse yourself.", he said from his side indicating he no longer feels anything that he felt in Goa.

"No it's alright. I'm done. Here is your papers.", she said flipping the phone on the table.

"Thank you.",he said and both of them stood up to leave.

She offered to leave Mr. Kundra to his office and in the car the phone rang again. She turned it down.

"He is a good, I mean great guy.",Rehan's father told Ananya while sitting on the passenger seat while she was driving.

"I know.", she half smiled at him and stopped as they reached the destination.

Before he could step out of the car Ananya held a card of Sanya's wedding and presented it to him.

"My best friend is getting married tomorrow. It'll be great to have you and your family at the cocktail party.",She told him.

"Will Rehan be there?",He asked.

"Yaa. He is with us in the hotel since a few days."

"Ohk,well I know its awkward knowing about our son from you but he anyways doesn't talk to me so it'll get a bit uncomfortable. You guys have fun. And all good wishes to your friend. God bless.", He left. She still urged to take the card with him and requested to come.She saw sadness in his eyes when he spoke of communication gap between him and his son. She knew it always existed but today it was not only bothering Rehan but his father also. She realised that this man has changed. Changed for The good.

Sarah and Ananya by 8 in the night went on to see the final preparation for tomorrow's big day. Sanya and Daniel were having their pre wedding shoot that Rehan had organised. There were best photographers, lights all around. Rehan himself took a few pictures. Sarah and Ananya had to visit the planner's office. They came at around 1 in the night. "You freshen up and I'll go see the kids and then I'll drop you home.",Sarah told her taking a nap on the sofa.She did as said.

And as she came back she saw Sarah fast asleep beside Jannes and Jason.She had to take them home and Sarah was supposed to drop them but now?
She carried Jannes in one arm while Rehan surprisingly came up and offered to pick up Jason and asked Ananya not to pick Sarah up.

"But I have..",she told him.

"I know but I'll drop you'll.", He smiled at her.

They headed home but in the meanwhile they passed the ever beautiful marine drive. The sea silently smiling at Ananya when she saw it and her eyes lit up.

"Let's wait for 5 mins?",He asked her to get down.

"No I think we should leave. Both of them.."

"We'll just stand. Full focus on them I promise.",he said looking at the kids sleeping.

They stood there facing the sea, feeling the calmness, and just talking to themselves.

"Ok. I have a reason to stop. I want to talk to you.",He said moments later.

"Yes.",she said normally.

"Why are you holding back? Why are you not saying, opposing things?",he asked.

"It's nothing like that.",she said.

"It is. I can feel it in our pbysical closeness. I can feel it in the way you look at me. I can feel it now. You have turned stubborn. You are hurting yourself. Why are you tolerating me? You could just not allow me to be present for this wedding? Why did you agree to dance with me when you are not comfortable? We Can avoid it. Back off.",He said.

"Back off? Like you did.  Ok fine. Back off. I don't want to do it.",she said wanting to finish the conversation.

"I told you. You are getting strict with yourself. Just accepting this! This is not what you are. Ananya listen to me. I know I did a mistake but you can punish me, get angry on me but please forgive me? I want a second chance. Just today I spoke about how beautiful the pain of rejection is, but it kills. Only a second chance can heal it. If you can give your life a second chance and reach where you are , so why not me?", he told her.

"Beause that day questions were posed on my self respect.", she turned to him.

"But today that self respect is turning into ego. Don't let your self respect turn into ego. Don't."

"But if you still want to back off the dance we can if you are uncomfortable.  Anywayz it needs a lot of trust and belief and faith",Both of them were heading towards the car when two people called out for him.
They asked him for a photograph. He simply smiled and Ananya took her seat in the car.

"Its quite late. You'll should head home.",Rehan told the young teenage couple.

"Thank you so much. He just proposed to me. So we are out celebrating. If you had to give him one advice what would it be?",Ananya could hear them speaking and felt that he was the wrong person to ask advice from but what he said next suprized her wanting her to forgive him and embrace him back. But she controlled.

"Always support her and no matter what stand up for. Its the best you can do. Don't let her down.",He said and sat in the car.

She saw truth in his eyes while driving back.

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