Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Daniel's POV:

Everything just stops.

Jade is on the ground clutching her shoulder.

The man that I paid the money to, Kyle, is just staring at her.

Before I thought of doing I kneel down to Jade and scoop her up in my arms quickly and I stand up and look at Kyle. "I'll be back..." Jade is shaking against me a little whimpering. "It hurts..."

I pet her hair softly. "Shh..." I cooed softly as I rushed off to find James. I sigh finding myself in the parking lot. I head over to my car and open the door and set Jade down inside then I grab my phone from my pocket and I call James.

I hear a laugh "Hello?"

"James. I'm not sure what happened, but one minute Jade and I were having fun playing games then something snapped and she's in pain right now. What do I do?!" I panic

I hear James stop and his breath stops. "What game...?"

The umm one basketball game thing." I say calmly

James mumbles something but I ignore it, "Where are you?"

"In the parking lot." I say quickly.

He sighs. "Alright, I'll be right there." He hangs up quickly and I look at Jade who looks like she's ready to just snap and fall apart. I pick her up carefully then I sit down in the seat putting Jade in my lap and I pet her hair softly, softly humming to her. I feel her head move and a sniffle. "'s okay..." James comes up to the door running and out of breath.

"Keys." He holds out is hand I hand him the keys and he gets in and drives off not being careful at all. Soon we arrive at the hospital and James gets out and picks up Jade then walks inside with myself following behind. He speaks to one of the ladies and they take Jade from James and take her back. James and I go and sit in the chairs and James calls the others (Marvin, Ivy, and the others) I sigh sitting uncomfortably moving a bit, worried.

Everyone else arrives a bit later, talking to James but Vena comes over to me and sits down. "'s it going?"

I look down. "Panicked. Worried. Scared."

Vena laughs softly. "It's okay Daniel." She gives me a small hug as everyone else sits down. After a little everyone quiet downs a bit.

After maybe 3 hours:

Tyler and Jessica left a while ago to go get "Something to drink". Marvin is messing with Ivy's hair while she sits on the floor. Vena is asleep leaning against James whose leg is bouncing uncontrollably. I sigh as a doctor comes out and all of us look at him as he scans the room. "Cameron Melody?" 'Wait? What?'

James gets up. "Yes?"

The doctor give him a small smile and walks over to him. "Ah Mr. James Melody. Once again."

James nods and looks at him. "How is she?" 'Wait no way! The Cameron Melody....'

Jade's POV:

I sigh sitting on a hospital bed with a sling around my arm. I look at the clock waiting any moment for someone to walk into the room, I've been sitting here for about an hour after they did some tests on me. Just as I was thinking, James, Vena, Daniel, Ivy, and Marvin walk into the room. I get up. "Hey guys." I give them the best smile I could at the moment. The nurses gave me painkillers but it didn't help much.

James rushes over to me and hugs me, careful not touching my arm. "Oh thank goodness' you're okay."

I roll my eyes and return his hug. "You sound like you're my mother."

James laughs and smiles cheerfully, in a mother like way, looking at me. "Well tetchily I am. You see since I'm older than you, smarter than you, you look like me, I'm taking care of you, I watch out for you and threaten to kill any boys who break your fragile little heart, but most of all you're my little girl/sister. So those things are all my job." He counts on his fingers while he was speaking. I laugh softly shaking my head. Everyone gives me their worries and concerns, well except Daniel.

He just looks at me with this look on his face. It's more of surprised but worried.


He seems to snap out of it and looks at me and gives me a sad smile. "Sorry-"

"-I was just-"

"In my own thoughts-"

"Day dreaming about you."

"Shut up, Marvin!" Daniel glares at his older brother. Which in return causes everyone to laugh.

Daniel sighs and looks at everyone. "Can everyone leave for a moment...I need to talk to Jade...alone...?"

James glares at Daniel then at me. "No funny buisne-"

"Oh my god! James we're 17 for goodness sake not 5! I believe we can control ourselves without you parenting us. We'll be fine." I cut him off, speaking rather harshly.

James glares at me and crosses his arms. "I'm just trying to look out for you."

I sigh and use my good arm and run a hand through my hair. "I know, but here in a few months I'll be 18 and a legal adult. So please...I can handle this."

James nods and pushes everyone out of the room till he's left and he looks at me then Daniel. "Remember wat I-"

"Shut up, James!" Daniel and I say in unison.

Marvin comes in and pulls James out dragging him by his ear. "Ow! Marvin you ass! God dammit!" This causes laughter from me as we hear them arguing as the door close.

Daniel smiles then sits down on the bed beside me then looks at me. "Jade? When were you going to tell me?"

"Tell you what?" I look at him a bit confused.

"That you're Cameron Melody."


So cliffhanger! Short chapter sorry!! >.< But just be glad I updated sooner than normal! I hope you like this chapter since I enjoyed writing it! Well Peace Out Followers! Oh and Comment and Vote! Oh and give me some ideas of what to call you guys!! Peace out! ~ 

Captain Giggles 


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