Can You Hear Me

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Another one this week. This has been the third for this week.

I don't know why i've been hearing this things.

Ever since mom died, I lived alone with my father for 3 years now. I suffered when she left us but i'm happy that my father was still by my side.

But the weird thing was, a year after mom died.

I can see the things I shouldn't see, and hear the things I shouldn't hear.


I told my father about this, and he will just say encouraging words like they will go away or so,

But they never go.

They want something for me, but I never understand what they want.

They always asked me to go and kill someone.

But who?

'Kill him'

There a voice appears, it will always appear after the scream, eventhough i've been living with this hell for two years, I will still never get used it.

I find the voice, it was from a girl. She looks so small but looks so mature.

"Kill who?" I asked the same question to every ghost who came to me.

'Kill him' was all they said and it repeated.

It will only stop if father came or I ran to my father. He is my saviour.

I got out from my bed and walk past the ghost like I usually do. Somehow I could hear she hissed at me.

I ignored and went downstairs to my father's study room.

I knocked thrice.

"Coming" he called.

After a few minutes the door opened and my saviour was there.

"Let me guess there was a ghost in your room again" he smiled lovingly at me.

I could only nod and hug him. I know this was a little bit childish for a 20 year old girl like me, but who can ever stand living with ghosts, I have no friends that I can share my problems with, I was home tutored by my mom. So I was anti-socialize.

Why I was home tutor?

No one knows the reason.

"Come let me tuck you in" he cut of my thoughts.

My father side hugged me back to my room.

As we reached my room, father was the one who opened the door to my room and went in first followed by me.

"Well any ghosts anymore?" He asks smiling.

I looked around my room. The girl was not there. I happily shooked my head.

"So you can sleep now?" He continued leading me to my bed.

I nodded and climbed up my bed. Father pulled out my covers and covered me.

"Taeyeon I have something for you" he said finding something in his back pocket.

I tilted my head confuse but he just smiled.

He took my hand in his and put something rectangular in it.

A mp3 player.

"Hear this, if the ghosts ever disturbed you okay? Just close your eyes and try to sleep, I can't always be by your side when you need me" He said letting go of my hand.

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