"You don't have to, I'll be fine." He said walking inside. I followed him into the plain room. The walls were gray and there was a bed at the corner of the room. There weren't any windows in the room because we were in a mountain. He had a box and his back pack.

"That's all you have?" I asked pointing to his things.

"Yeah, that's all I need."

We started unpacking his things in silence. He really didn't have much to unpack, but I helped him anyways.

"So, Larcener eh?"

"Yeah, took me awhile to figure out a name. I thought Larcener just had a good ring to it." He answered shrugging.

"I like it." After awhile of more silence I decided to ask him, "What're your powers?"

"You don't know them?"

"No, Bruce never told us."

"Wow Blue Beetle was right. Clark and Bruce really didn't tell you anything." I shook my head, pursing my lips. "I guess you just have to figure them out."

"Wait, you're not gonna tell me?" I asked, looking at him wide-eyed.

"Nope, you gotta guess."

"Fine." I stated crossing my arms thinking. I had absolutely no idea what his powers could be. "At least give me a hint." He laughed shaking his head.

"Alright, um... like Atom Smasher." Atom Smasher was a super villain with the powers to absorb atoms. When he did he grows and becomes stronger.

"You can grow?"

"No." I sighed trying to think.

"You can absorb atoms!" I guessed, but he just shook his head. "C'mon just tell me."

"You'll just have to figure it out." He said laughing as he walked out of the room.

"You can...absorb," I sat there for awhile stumped. I had no idea. I walked out of his room and saw that a lot of people had left.

"Where did everyone go?" I asked Rick.

"We told them we would alert them if we got any updates." I nodded and started to walk away. Rick grabbed my elbow turning me around.

"What?" I asked annoyed.

"I need your help. I told everyone that we don't have any leads yet, but I lied. I didn't know what Habitum's next move would be. It had to be something big. The next upcoming thing that came to mind was Maxwell Lord's charity ball tomorrow night. I hacked into Maxwell Lord's system to see who was going and Bruce had been invited, but he declined. In the system it stated that he accepted."

"And you think Habitum is going as Bruce." I finished for him.


"So what do I have to do with this?"

"We're going to go to the ball undercover. I went through the the list of people who declined and found a couple who we can impersonate. Michael Roy and his fiancée Maria Foster." He showed me a picture of the couple and I noticed we did look a lot like them. Michael was tall and lean, but had some muscle. Maria was also quite tall. We had some similar features.

"And you're not telling anyone about this because..." I asked raising an eyebrow

"Because we don't know if this could be a dead end or not. And frankly with Habitum's powers to disguise himself as anyone we don't know who to trust."

"Rick, you do remember what happened last time you kept secrets, right?" I hissed.

"Yes, but it won't happen again." He said sighing. "So are you gonna do it or not?" I contemplated saying no, but I knew he was doing this for the right reasons. No one else on our team looked as close to Maria as I did. The only difference was that she was a blonde. That's probably why Rick chose me.

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