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This is a story I made up all on my own based on all the people in my grade. It is not intended to be offensive to anyone, only for a good laugh, so if your reading this and you have a problem of how your portrayed in this story you can go screw yourself and don't even read this book anymore. For those of you who like a good laugh I'm glad and would like comments about what you don't and do like, as long as your not a dick about it.

Also this was inspired by a book my friends Jenna and Kenzie made. I feel in love with it in the first ten sentences. Everyone in the grade will be in the story at least once, so no one is left out and real names will not be used either. Though I'm sure most people who are in my grade will know who the person is.

This book contains swearing and a bit of gore too, so just an FYI.

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