Yugi reached the double doors; prying them open; he took the corner quickly and ran face first into Yami's leather clad chest knocking them both to the ground. Yugi gasped as he realized he was on top of the crimson eyed Egyptian.

"Yugi! What is it?" Yami asked concerned. 

"The man. The bully from before. He's here and he has a knife!" Yugi squeaked out barely over a whisper. Yami heard the double doors begin to open. Without thinking twice he wrapped his arms around Yugi and rolled them both off the edge of the concrete sidewalk; plummeting them into the ocean below. Yami dragged Yugi deep into the water and pinned him to the concrete wall hiding them both from view. No one walking on the sidewalk above would be able to see them.

Yugi did not have time to react before he felt the water wash over him, /Oh Ra, I'm going to drown down here./ Yugi's lungs screamed for air. Yugi's small form began to panic as he tried to start swimming back to the surface. Yami's strong grip held him in place. Yugi felt two firm hands grab his cheeks holding his head still. Crimson eyes met with amethyst before Yami closed the distance between them covering Yugi's mouth with his own.

/What the hell? Why in the name of Ra is he kissing me? He could have at least picked a better time/ He felt Yami bite down hard on his lower lip, /Ow! What was that for? I'm going to need to have a talk with him. If he wanted to kiss me he should have picked a better time./ Then Yugi remember his predicament. His mouth opened out of reaction; trying to gasp for air. As soon as Yugi's mouth opened, a large puff of oxygen filled his lungs. Yugi's petite form relaxed after receiving the much needed air. He exhaled the used air out of his nose. A few seconds later he received another blast of oxygen from Yami's mouth. Oxygen that was as fresh as if he would have breathed it on his own above water. /What the...? How is he breathing?/

Crimson eyes glanced up seeing that the bully was stalking away from the ledge. After several minutes of Yugi receiving air from Yami, the tri-colored Egyptian pulled Yugi to the surface after he was sure the bully had vanished.

Yugi gasped, "How did you do that? How were you breathing under water?"

"Yugi? Yami?" The doppelgangers looked up to see Ms. Davidson standing over them holding two towels. "Yami hand me Yugi. Little one give me your hand, I will help pull you out of there." Yugi reached up to his drama teacher who wrapped the towel around him and pulled him up onto the concrete. Yami stayed in the water staring up at the two a bright blush covering his cheeks. "Yami, I'm sorry, I'm not going to be able to help pull you up. You are too heavy like that. You will need to pull yourself out."

Crimson eyes stared up at her in confusion. "I don't think I can," he whispered.

"Of course you can. You've undergone several physical changes just now. One includes a bit more strength," she winked at him. He sighed as he put his hands on the concrete and started to lift his body out of the water. Water cascaded down his skin tight black leather shirt as he rose from the water.  Yugi gasped as Yami raised himself high enough to turn and sit on the concrete. From Yami's tan hips down, his legs were replaced with a long tail covered in crimson scales. 

Ms. Davidson handed Yami the other towel, "Dry off and then wrap that around you. I can tell you, the pants you wore before are gone; so your lower half will be nude if you don't cover up as you dry off." 

A bright blush painted the tan cheeks, as he began drying his crimson scaled fin. Yami's locked Ms. Davidson in his graze, "So you know what I am?"

She nodded with a warm smile, "Yes."

"Good. Will you please tell me? I don't know what has been going on with me lately and I could use some help and advice." The tanned Egyptian quickly dried the crimson fin. Once the scales were dry, his tan legs returned. He quickly secured the towel around his hips. 

"Wait, you don't know what you are?" She asked confused. Yami shook his head looking down.

"Okay, this is not the place for that conversation. Follow me back to the classroom and I will explain it along with finding you some pants." Ms. Davidson led Yugi and Yami back to her classroom.

Yami sat uncomfortably wrapped in the towel; his lower half completely nude under the towel, "So what am I?"

Ms. Davidson dug through a trunk producing a clean pair of sweats for the youth, "Put these on and then I will tell you." Both Yugi and the drama teacher turned to allow Yami to slide the sweats underneath the towel. The sweats were baggy and hung low on his hips. Not exactly Yami's favorite article of clothing to wear; but sweats were better than going naked.

"Okay," he stated.

The two turned to him. Yugi ran over to Yami; tears springing forth as he wrapped his arms around the Egyptian, "Thank you for saving me, Yami!"

"You're welcome," Yami patted Yugi's lower back as they hugged.

"Yami, let me ask you something." Ms. Davidson met the crimson orbs, "You are very assertive. I do not assume you to be an individual to hide when trouble comes knocking."

"I'm not," the deep baritone voice responded, an well-defined raven eyebrow arched.

"Then why would you dive into the ocean with Yugi?" She asked not breaking the eye contact.

"I..." Yami's features appeared pensive, "I...don't know. I wanted to protect him so I just reacted on instinct."

"Exactly, Yami! Exactly! Your instinct told you the ocean would be safe!" Ms. Davidson exclaimed applauding.

"Why?" the baritone voice asked.

"Yami, you are a siren," Ms. Davidson smirked at the tanned youth.

"I'm a what? And how do you know?" Yami blinked at the drama teacher, even more confused than he was before.

"A siren is a water creature. Your physical appearance turns to look similar to a merman. You have other abilities....powers if you must as well. Powers that involve water. Your voice is hauntingly alluring. You could lure anyone, anywhere, with that voice. Furthermore, you could sway a friend or foe to feel any emotion you wish them to feel."

"That is quite a power. What do you mean about other abilities involving water?" Yami asked.

"Each siren is different. They have different powers. You will need to figure out what yours are," she smiled warmly at the young crimson eyed siren.

Ms. Davidson nodded, "As for how I know, it is because I am one too. I knew you were a siren the moment I heard you sing. You just turned 17 didn't you?" Yami nodded. "The transformation begins when a young siren turns 17. The transformation can be instantaneous or can last the course of the siren's 17th year. Each siren is different," Ms. Davidson responded, "You will want to avoid getting wet in front of anyone you don't trust as they will see your tail."

Yami sighed and nodded, "Fine. I will be careful. At least I know what I am now."

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