Horror Movie Marathon

Start from the beginning

"You don't know my group's movie nights. We will end up staying the night over at Ryou's. One sleeping bag for me; one for you," Yugi smiled and shrugged.

"Oh. Thank you. That was thoughtful of you," Yami took the sleeping bags from Yugi and strapped them to his cycle. He swung his leather clad leg over the obsidian Harley Davidson before offering Yugi his hand. He pulled the petite youth behind him. Yami placed the helmet on Yugi's head before bringing the motorcycle roaring to life. Yugi scoot closer to Yami. Wrapping his arms around his slim muscular waist, Yugi rested his head on Yami's back.

/Why do I love riding on the back of his motorcycle so much? I could stay back here for hours./ Yugi sighed tightening his grip on Yami's torso as they sped off toward Ryou's apartment.


Ryou smiled as he opened the door allowing the tri-colored doppelgangers to enter his apartment. Ryou's parents traveled almost constantly leaving Ryou by himself most of the time. With his parents traveling so much, Bakura ended up moving in with Ryou so the smallest silver haired albino wouldn't be alone.

Yami set the sleeping bags down near the door where everyone else piled their belongings. Yugi and Yami removed their shoes and entered the living room where everyone was gathered around the television.

"Have a seat anywhere," Ryou smiled and motioned to the large couch, arm chairs, and large bean bag chairs that Bakura brought up from his room in the basement. Yami sat at the end of the large sectional couch. Yugi sat cross legged next to Yami. Ryou handed Yugi a cherry coke mixed just as he liked it. The bottled coke with extra grenadine and maraschino cherries.

Yugi's amethyst orbs grew wide as he licked his lips, "Mmmm! You're the best, Ryou!"

"You're welcome," the chocolate eyed youth smiled down at Yugi, "What would the rest of you like to drink?"

"Jack Daniels," Marik smirked.

"Root beer," Tristan added.

"Chocolate milk," Anzu smiled.

Ryou glanced at the others congregated before him, "Oh never mind, drinks are in the kitchen. Go get them yourselves." Ryou turned towards the kitchen, "Bakura, did you make those caramel apples?" Bakura grunted pointing to a tray with the caramel covered delights. "Thank you, Kura!" Ryou hugged the taller albino, "Will you serve them?" Bakura nodded. Grabbing the tray, Bakura walking towards the group; a small unnoticeable hint of a grin played on the corners of his lips.

"Those look good!" Joey exclaimed drool coming out of his mouth. Bakura placed the tray on the coffee table and returned to the kitchen allowing a sly smirk to appear on his lips.

"Thank you, Kura," Ryou smiled. He went to the refrigerator to take out the homemade guacamole he made earlier when his eyes fell on something red and shiny. He blinked confused at the bag of apples still in the refrigerator. "Kura?" Ryou looked around the refrigerator door towards the taller albino, "I thought you made caramel apples...why are the apples still in the...oh Ra.." Ryou ran out to the living room, "Don't eat the...." He fell silent as he watched Joey and Tristan take a bite.

"What the hell is that? That is the worst tasting caramel apple I've ever had!" Joey spit the bite out of his mouth.

"What is that man?" Tristan sniffed at the caramel covered...whatever it was...

"It's an onion," Bakura's smirk grew into a full fledged grin as he leaned against the wall just outside of the kitchen.

Ryou face palmed, "I'm sorry. Bakura made them. I should have watched him more carefully." Ryou gathered the caramel covered onions back onto the tray blushing furiously as he went back to the kitchen. He slammed the tray onto the counter staring at them silently.

Bakura took a step towards the smaller silver haired youth, "Ryou?"

"Don't...just don't," He turned and walked out of the kitchen; plopping furiously into one of the bean bag chairs in front of the television.

"What's the movie itinerary for tonight?" Anzu asked.

"Poltergeist, Nightmare Before Christmas, Night of the Living Dead, and if everyone is still awake after that, IT," Malik responded.

Marik grinned like a maniac, "Sounds like a good lineup."

Bakura approached Ryou and sat next to him on the large bean bag chair. Ryou crossed his arms and turned away from his look-a-like. Bakura shifted as he pulled Ryou into his lap wrapping his arms around him, "I'm sorry," he whispered into Ryou's ear nuzzling the soft pale skin of Ryou's neck. Ryou's annoyed expression softening as he melted into Bakura. He used the remote to turn on Poltergeist leaning further back against Bakura's chest.

Yugi squeaked during one of the creepy parts of the movie; unconsciously shifting closer to Yami. As the movie progressed, the petite teen moved closer and closer to the body next to him hiding his face in the bicep. Yami smiled warmly at the terrified youth next to him. He wrapped his arm around Yugi bringing the youth closer to his chest. Yugi nuzzled into the leather covered chest effectively concealing his eyes from the video. He eventually fell asleep with his face burred in the muscular torso of the crimson eyed Egyptian. Ryou smiled at the two as he stood and disappeared down the hallway. He returned shortly after with a blanket that he used to cover Yugi.

"Thank you." Yami whispered. Ryou nodded.

"Poor Yugi and Yami are so exhausted from rehearsals, I don't think Yami will be able to stay awake much longer either," Anzu whispered to Ryou. Warm chocolate eyes met Anzu's cobalt as he nodded in agreement.


"Bloody fantastic," Bakura sighed glancing down at his phone the next morning.

"What's wrong?" Tristan asked.

"Marik changed all of my contacts,"Bakura responded as he scrolled through the phone's contact list.

Ryou's eyebrow arched, "To what?"

"Everyone in my cell phone is listed as a Star Wars character. Oh by Ra, he listed you as Darth Vader, Ryou." Bakura continued scrolling through his phone trying to remember who each phone number belonged to, "I assume Princess Leia is Anzu."

"Why don't we find out?" Ryou grabbed Bakura's phone and dialed the contact labeled 'Princess Leia'. A cell phone in the room began to go off.

Yugi sighed, "It's mine."

Marik cracked up, "Good luck figuring out who everyone is without calling people."

Ryou giggled, "Kura who is the one listed as Jaba the Hut?" The taller albino shrugged before grabbing the cell phone back from Ryou and dialing the number.

Tristan jumped as his phone started vibrating in his pocket, "I guess it's me."

Bakura chuckled, "I wonder who is listed as Jar Jar Binks," he clicked on the name and Anzu's phone went off. She blushed brightly knowing how much the guys didn't like that character and found him annoying. She looked down at her phone humiliated.

"That's not nice Marik," Tristan scolded. Marik just scoffed and rolled his eyes.

Yugi giggled as he reached in Yami's pocket to grab his phone eliciting a crimson glow from the Egyptian's cheeks, "Wander what you are listed as, Yami," Yugi typed in Bakura's number on Yami's phone awaiting for the albino to say who it was.

Bakura chuckled seeing the name that flashed on his screen, "Obi Wan Kenobi."

Eventually, Bakura was able to change back the contact names within his phone. Not that he didn't enjoy seeing Star Wars characters flash on the screen. He would have preferred Marik to name people after horror movies or characters from horror movies. He smirked as he began devising a plan to get back at the tall blonde Egyptian.

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