Chapter 8 - Suspicion

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It's for me. I'm going out. I'll probably be back tomorrow.

She frowned, running a hand through her knotted blonde hair.

"Where do you keep going nowadays? Have you got a boyfriend?!" She looked shocked at the thought. I furrowed my brow and shook my head, backing towards the front door.

"Right, of course you don't." She said, turning and walking back into her bedroom. What did she mean 'of course you don't'? I frowned, then took a deep breath and let my shoulders drop, releasing all the tension in my shoulders before turning and opening the front door. PJ smiled widely as I stepped out into the corridor, closing the dor behind me. As soon as I'd let go of the doorhandle he  pulled me into a tight hug. We'd gotten to the hugging stage by the middle of our week together. I don't know how it happened but we were just suddenly on hugging terms. 

"You got a change of clothes?" He asked, stepping away but keeping hold of my upper arms and peering down at me. I nodded and watched as his smile grew and he let go of my arms.

"Let's go then."


I stared down at my knees, curling my legs to my chest tighter as another sex scene started up. Game of Thrones was probably the most erotic TV show around at the moment. It wasn't exactly awkward since Chris was making comedic comments on their nude bodies, but it was still a little odd being in the same room as a TV show with nude woman and four guys whose bodies were rushing with testosterone. PJ's feet brushed against my hip and he readjusted his sitting position. He was sat sideways with his legs tretching across the space between him and me.

The sex scenes supsided a bit in the second and third series' and I relaxed a little, turning my body sideways to face PJ and stretching my legs across so on of his legs was between mine and one mine was between his. He smiled over at me and I smiled back ,leaning my head against the back of the sofa and yawning into the back of my hand. We'd been watching Game of Thrones for more than 6 hours and I was getting tired and a little hungry. My stomach rumbled just loud enough that PJ could hear, making him let out a small chuckle and stand up. He stopped in front of me and held his hand out to me. I hesitated for a moment before grabbing his hand and standing up to follow him. He headed out towards the kitchen and let go of my hand. Something dropped just under my stomach, making my brow furrow slightly and only for a second, but the feeling passed and so did my slight confusion. 

"I'm hungry too. Should I make cheese on toast?" He asked from across the kitchen. I shrugged slightly then nodded, smiling. I walked over to the counter across the room and leant against it, watching PJ as he grabbed the cheese from the fridge and the bread from the bread bin. He put four slices of toast in the toaster and started slicing the cheese. One the bread was toasted and the cheese was sliced he placed the cheese on the four slices of toast and placed them under the grill. He turned and leant against the counter beside me and we were silent for a few minutes before he spoke up.

"So, how long have you been friends with Scarlett?" He turned his head to look down at me inquiringly.

Since year 9.

"She...doesn't seem like the most friendly best friend." He said hesitantly, but I knew where he was coming from. Scarlett had always looked down on me. She thought she was doing me a favour by being my friend. I didn't have anyone other than her until I met PJ. She thought I was below her, that she was better than me. I didn't really see her as a best friend anymore, not since I'd become friends with PJ and seen what a real friend was like. I didn't even know if I should class her as a friend anymore. PJ leant down to check of the cheese on toast before straightening back up and turning to look at me again.

She's not. I just didn't have anyone besides her.

PJ frowned and licked his lips. "Why not?"

Because I was different.

I watched as his shoulders dropped and his jaw went slack, a small breath escaping his lips, his eyes glazing over. Then, out of no where he stepped closer to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me into a tight embrace. He dropped his head to my shoulder and turned his face in towards my neck and I could feel his warm breath on my skin, and it felt amazing. I wrapped my arms around his middle and pressed myself against his chest. An overwhelming feeling like I was about to cry overcame me and before I could stop them the tears spilled over. My face was pressed against his chest and I didn't want to get his t-shirt wet so I went to pull away and PJ was about to let go but upon seeing my tears he pulled me back in, laying one hand on the back of my head and resting his chin on the top of my head. His other hand rubbed up and down my back.

I pulled away after a few minutes, my mind returning to the cheese on toast and not wanting it to burn. PJ sighed heavily as he looked down at me before he turned to plate up the cheese on toast. He hesitated for a second before grabbing the kettle and going to the sink, filling it then sietting it on to boil.

"This calls for tea." He said. His eyes lingered on my face and he slowly stepped closer, lifting his hand to my cheek and softly brushing away a stray tear. He stared down at me for a few seconds before he blinked rapidly a couple of times and stepped away, turning away slightly and dropping his head, slumping his shoulders and staring at the steam rising from the kettle.  

PJ poured the boiling water into what had now become 'my' mug and his usual mug and added milk and sugar. He then handed me my plate of cheese on toast and mug of tea before leading the way back to the living room. He sat down on the sofa and as I was about to sit down at the other end he patted the spot beside him, smiling in a knowing way. I dropped my gaze to the floor and sat beside him, starting on my food.


I yawned my eyes drooping. We were nearly finished with the third and final series of Game fo Thrones and I was almost passing out.

"Go and get changed; you're about to pass out." PJ whispered in my ear, making me jump slightly. I looked up at him, hesitated for a few seconds then grabbed my bag and made my way the bathroom. I changed into a pair of blue and white spotty flannel pyjamas bottoms and a baggy white t-shirt with a little baby blue heart pocket on the breast and slipped my feet into a pair of fluffy white, grey and baby blue slipper socks. I tied my hair into two loose bunches over my shoulders and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I then made my way back to the living room.

I sat down beside PJ and could feel my eyes drooping closed. I could feel my body slouching down slowly, my joints starting to ache. I suddenly felt PJ's hand on my shoulder, making me look up at him.

"Just go to sleep here, I'll get you a duvet and pillow when these guys start going to sleep." He whispered, and I didn't need any more persuading. I looked over the length of the sofa , trying to deicde where to go to sleep, since PJ was sat in the middle and bit my lip. I then felt PJ's hand's on both my upper arms, guiding me down to rest my head in his lap. I didn't have enough energy to protest or think of any other solution, so I just lay down, curled my knees to my chest and fell asleep.


Phil and Chris left the living room to go to the spare bedroom, leaving Dan and PJ alone with the sleeping Emily. PJ gently lifted her head off of his lap and stood up turning back to her and hooking his arms under her knees and back, lifting her and setting her with her head on the pillow he'd had Dan retrieve from another room. He then pulled the duvet over her and straightened up. He could feel Dan's eye boring into his back so he turned to look at him. Dan smiled knowingly.

"Great choice, I like her." Dan simply said before turning back to the duvet and pillow he was setting up on the other sofa. PJ didn't ask him to elaborate, he knew what he meant. He stared downwards at the floor, thinking, then smiled thoughtfully and looked back at Emily one last time before leaving the room and closing the door for the night.

Seen But Never Heard - A PJ Liguori Love Story [Completed]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora