Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to To all the Soldiers

I'm nervous for this . I don't know if I can handle all of this at once. I am the sentimental type so it will be a little hard for me to hold back the tears. My stomach started to turn and I am also literally shaking. But I actually can't wait to see him. I miss him so much, its like I want to hold on to him and never let go. After all, it's been three long years since I haven't seen him. I still have all those memories from back when we were kids. I smile to myself as I look out the window. The colors outside are just so beautiful, it reminds me of way back also.

    "What are you thinking about honey?" My mom breaks me out of my thoughts. I turn my head sightly and see her smile. I return the same smile I inherited from her. "Just everything. I don't want him to see me cry. I want him to know that I grew up strong just like he said I would." My voice cracks a bit, tears already forming in my eyes. Just great, I haven't seen him already and I am already crying. "Awe sweethart. Don't worry, everything will be fine." She turns her body so it face the front again.

  I look at my dad who is too focused on his driving and probably his thoughts about Andrew coming home. I sigh and turn back to the window, memories flowing back to me. Andrew.  My brother. My only older brother who raised me besides my parents. After he left me that early September morning I felt lonely. Like he wasn't in my life anymore, but I was wrong. He sent me letters almost every month, telling me that I am always with him. He also told me about his experiences in war, it was heartbreaking to hear that his close friends had died while in comeback. He also told me that he is bringing a friend back home, he will be staying with us until he can get back on his feet. Andrew had said that he was in a horrific accident but survived. He figured he can bring him back to our home, so my mother and I could at least help him. But that was a couple months ago. I don't know if he is still coming. After all he healed pretty quickly, Andrew had stated in a previous letter he sent me.

 I saw the building coming up into my view so I braced myself. I took off my seatbelt gently but fast so I could have a couple of seconds to calm down. My dad pulled into a parking space and jotted out of the car like a lightning bolt. I laughed to myself and slowly got out of the car. My mom was already wiping at her eyes with a tissue when I got out. "Mom, you haven't seen him yet. Look at you, you talk about me." While I smiled and laughed. She looks at me and smiles warmly. I felt a chill pass by me, so I wrapped my arms around my body to protect myself from the vicious cold.

  I followed my parents up the stairs to reach the buliding. It was late Feburary and I was dieing. I really disliked the cold so I would really never go out, but I'm doing this for Andrew. At least now I know my big brother will get the chance to see my graduate instead of suffering with his fellow soliders in Iraq.

  I walked in behind my parents into the building. I look at the walls and I see pictures of families hugging their loved ones who had just came back from war. I study the one that was bigger than most of them. As I walk closer to it, I notice a small plaque that has some writing. I examine it closely. Seems like the fellow solider died right when he got back to Iraq. See, this is not want I want to happen to my family. It's my only fear.

  I walk over to where my parents had gone, and look around again. Everyone seems happy that their coming home. Children are playing and laughing, while the older ones are wishing that they'll arrive already. I sigh and tap my foot on the ground, a habit I have started a while back.

  The door finally opens and the Captin of the team walks over to the microphone. I slowly watch him as I take a seat next to my mother. "Hello folks," He starts. He stares into the crowd for a minute or so and continues. "As you all know, my team and I have arrived from Iraq. I know you all are waiting for them to come but I just want you to know one thing. We, my team and I survived this long battle that is still not over, with you all, the families in our hearts. You all kept us going. So we would like to welcome back, our fellow heros." A tear forms in my eye, but I shake it off as I stand up to clap. I smile at my parents as I watch one by one, the soldiers walking out.

 I spot Andrew talking to a tall, dark-haired guy. I try to call his name, but the room kept getting louder and louder. I look at my mom, she takes hold of my hand and smiles. "Let's go mom." She nods and motions my dad to follow. As we get closer to him, I feel my stomach turn, tears forming, and I start to shake a little. I sigh and let go of my mom's hand. "ANDREW." I scream so he could hear me. He turns around, I laugh as his eyes go wide in shock. I run up to him, my parents following, and I hug him. The hug was so warm and soft. All I could think about right now was my family. The hug lasts only a couple seconds but seem forever. I look up into his blue eyes and smile. "You look so different Aubree." He smirks and roughs up my hair. I try to fix it, "Well of course. It's been awhile." I keep looking into his eyes. I see sorrow filled with happiness. "Of-" My mom cuts him off as she walks infront of me, her hands stretched out so she could hug my brother.

  I look over to the guy Andrew was with. He smiles as he watches my brother hugging my mom. He then turns his head to face me, I look away quickly and blush. He seems pretty cute.

  Finally my parents had got done hugging my brother. He grabs hold of my mom's hand and smiles, "everyone meet Caleb. He's my friend I met over in Iraq, i'm hoping it's okay if he stays with us." I look over at my dad, he nods and welcomes Caleb.

  "Do you need any help folding?" I smile and fold my arms as I watch Caleb trying to fold his clothes from the doorway. He looks over and smiles, "sure. If it's okay." I nod and walk slowly over to him, the floor making noises while I do so. I grab one of his polos and start to fold. I could feel his eyes on me, looking up I see him staring. I laugh a little, "what?" He smirks and continues folding. "Thanks for everything. I know I just got here, but I already feel at home. Your parents are great. So are you." As he says this, I can't help but wonder why he's here anyway. "Your welcome. But we should be thanking you. My brother, you, and all the soldiers have done a great deed for this country." I smile my welcoming smile and take hold of another polo.


Okay guys I know this is like my third story. But I think and promise i'm going to continue. Please guys vote, comment, like/add my story. And follow me on twitter.

Also, i have not revised this chapter so if there is any mistakes. Im truly sorry. And im sorry that this chapter is boring but I'm just intruducing the characters. I promise it will get better. :) happy reading.!

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