chapter 6

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Hey sorry guys. Thursday night was hard and I didn't get any work done bc of that documentary. Love you.

harry's *POV*

i dialed mums number and listened to it ring. someone picked up at the second ring.

"hello?" a gemma said. she sounded like she just woke up.

"gemma? wheres mum?" i ask

"sleeping, shes sleeping harry"

"oh its like 12:00? why is she still sleeping?"

"because we went out last night and i have a killer hangover"

"oh. nicki said i had to call her"

"mum asked that yesterday harry. can i talk to nicki?"

"yea sure one sec. NICOLE!"

"OW HAROLD! I have a hangover!"

"sorry gem"

nicki walked up stairs. "what do you want!" she yelled. "gemma would like to speak with you nicole" i said in a very secretaryish voice.


"hey nicki"

"what did you want?"

"oh to say we miss you. me and mum"

"oh love and miss you too. hows everything there?" nicki asks

"good. mums happy because she doesnt have to put up with your crap anymore"

"whatever. i know she misses my complaining" nicki said

"she does. so do you have any band crushes? im sure harry would kill any of the boys if they came near you"

"funny you should ask. im going out with liam" nicki explains

"and harry knows about this?"

"yup" nicki says

"i dont believe you. put harry on"

"its on speaker" nicki said

"Oh kk. HAROLD YOU ACCEPTED THAT?!" Gemma said

"Well Liam is the most caring and nicest out of all of the boys. And he can't even flirt right" I snicker

"I dont believe you. I think she put you up to it. I'm coming down today to see it for real, I know Liam's bad under pressure" Gemma said.

"Bye gems" Nicki said and hung up.

"She's being a bitch" nick says ad I laugh. "We'll aren't you cranky" I laughed. "Don't fuck with me styles!" She said and flipped me off. "Are you on your period?" I ask trying to make her uncomfortable. "FUCK!" she screamed. I could tell she was. She's always a bitch when she's on her period. "Shhhhhhhhh nicole" I said trying to piss her off even more. "I'm done talking to you!" She says and walks back downstairs.

I hear the door bell ring. "Who's that?" Louis said jumping. "Who disrupts the queen!" Louis yells at the door. "Gemma fucking Styles now open the door Tomlinson!" She yells through the door. "Do you have a ticket?" Louis asked. "no one can see the queen without a ticket!" Since Louis was being a child I got up and opened the door. As I walked to the door and turned the nob Louis yelled "NO YOU DISRESPECTED THE QUEEN! OFF WITH HIS HEAD!" Gemma walked in and flipped Louis off. "Hey harry" she said in a pissy tone. Wtf, does she have compatible periods with Nicki? "What are you pissed off about?" I asked. "Nothing I'm just pissed for no reason" she said calmly. I liked at her weird and then looked away. "NICOLE!" I screamed and didn't get an answer. "NICKI!" still no answer. "NICOLE ANNE STYLES GET YOUR FUCKING ASS DOWN HER BEFORE I COME GET YOU!" I yelled and she ran down the steps like a cheetah. "Thats what I fucking thought" I said. She flipped me off and sat on the couch next to Liam. He pulled her closer as he knew Zayn was checking her out. "Why are you here Gemma?" Liam asks. He has no clue about the conversation. Nicki whispered something in his ear and he nods. "Yes" he says simply and Gemma looks confused. "Yes Gemma he is" Nicki says. The boys look at each other confused. "Oh" is all she Said. She had been defeated.

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