Chapter 22

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(No one reads this why am I trying? 😂 I even gave up on it but whatever I suddenly got the inspiration to write another chapter!)

Nicki's POV

I woke up in my old room.
God I can't face liam. Not after what happened.

I saw ALEX wake up and grabbed her out of her crib, which I moved into here. The walls were the same as I remember. I sighed and headed downstairs to make Alex a bottle.

I made my way into the kitchen and, to my luck, liam was standing in there.
Liam grabbed Alex from me without a word or glance. I mean I can't NOT let him see his daughter.

He held her in his arms talking to her in a baby voice. She grabbed his finger and giggled. I finished heating up her bubba and I was about to take her but "I'll do it" liam said and took the bottle from me and fed her.

I walked upstairs and got dressed, did my makeup, and tied my hair back. I saw NIALL get up and I ran towards him and jumped on his back. "NI" I screamed.
Niall almost fell completely forward as I caught him off guard.

"HOLY SHIT! WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" He exclaimed, catching me and carrying me piggyback.

"Idk!" I cheered.

Liam put Alex in her play pen so it was all cool.

Maybe I could ask liam to take care of Alex this week so I can be a normal teenager.

Niall throws me on the couch. And sits next to me.

My brother walks down stairs and sits on the other side of me.

Addie left, her and harry broke up. It's sad I know. Louis broke up with Eleanor, too. And Zerrie had many problems.

He puts his arm around me and I cuddle into my brother. I miss him because I rarely seen him with all this shit going on.

Niall turned on 'Love Actually' considering it was mine and Harry's favorite movie. We were so deep into it we didn't know Niall left or that Cady and Zayn woke up.

"Earth to the Styles!" Zayn waved

We looked up at him. Harry announced he had to pee, and Zayn sat next to me. "How are you doing?" He asked casually.

That's when I looked straight at him, and broke down,

"What did I do.." My voice quavered. I had refrained from acting upset in front of Harry, I didn't want him to get worried anymore.

"I don't know Nicki, I really don't babe" he mumbled, pulling me into his arms.

"I hate myself because of it"

"I know, I know" he shushed me.
I clung onto him all day. He didn't seem to mind. Harry came back in the room and he sat next to me, wrapping his arms around me too.

I heard the doorbell ring, but Zayn, Harry, and I ignored it. I saw Liam run downstairs, straight to the door. He saw who it was and leaned against the door, talking to the person more.

I got up to "get food" and I saw the girl at the door was the girl Liam was with. I rolled my eyes so damn hard. He's so.... UGH.

The way he shamelessly flirted with her, and smirked, and looks her up and down, seductively. I almost gagged right there. I didn't realize anyone came to check on me until I heard Zayns voice, "Nicki?" I abruptly turned my head towards him. "Yes, Zayn"

"Stop. Come with me" he pulled me away from the door. I struggled but then I just followed him.

He took me upstairs, away from everything. "Nicole. stop torturing yourself. You shouldn't waste your life on him. He doesn't matter. He obviously doesn't know what he has. If he can't see you're beautiful and amazing and worth more than anything, he's not worth" Zayn rubbed my arm.

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