chapter 4

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Hey! yay its chapter 4!!!!!! i love having two books to update. i promise i will write more books that aren't liam fanfics. im a liam girl. love you all and i know its only chapter 4 but i know alot of you probs came from Together Forever. Which i updated last night before i fell into a deep sleep. lol. well heres chapter 4! **************************************************************************************************************

chapter 4:

*Nicki's POV*

i was in my bedroom changing when i heard a thunk. i shrugged it off thinking something just fell. i finished changing when i saw louis in the middle of the hall unconsious. "WHAT THE HECK!" I yelled. harry ran up to me and saw louis and laughed a little before calling the peramedics. as soon as they came they asked how it happened. harry took the peramedic somewhere private. what the heck happened? i asked myself as i walked into my room and put on perfume. i walked back out to see nobody was inside and nobody was outside by the house.

i figured they went with louis, but where was liam? i walked down the street and i found liam in an alley, crying? "LIAM?" i screamed. "NICKI?" i heard his faint voice, cracking, and shaky. i soon found him deep in the alley. "whats wrong" i asked him as i hugged him. "well, i punched louis bc he looked at, you," he put emphasis on the word you to make sure i knew what he ment, "and then as soon as i heard his head thunk on the ground i ran into this alley. i was mad at myself for punching him and i saw these three guys walking down the alley way. They looked at me and called me 'cry baby' and then one puched me in the gut and i fell to the ground and the other two kept kicking me, over and over i felt pain.' he said. my eyes grew with anger. "and then as they were walking away i punched the one who started it in the face, nocking him unconsious and the other two picked his body up and ran." liam's eyes started tearing again. my eyes were filled with anger and tears as i hugged him. "lets go to the hospital," i try to say calm. he gives me a peck on the cheek and all my tenseness goes away. i feel happy that he's okay.

soon we arrive at the hospital. "is he up yet?" liam asks concerned. "yes but, liam he's got amnesia right now. the doctor said it will only be for a few weeks." harry said. "what about the concert tomorrow?" Liam asked. "we can do i show or two without him, liam." niall said. liam walked in the room louis was in. soon i saw louis face with anger. "LIAM WHY THE HELL DID YOU PUNCH ME?!" louis screamed. liam walked out and said to harry "well he remebers me." and he took me in with him. "Hey lou!" i said. "hi. can you explain to me who those 3 other boys are, Nicki?" louis said. i was suprised he only remebered me and liam. "the one in the white v-neck is harry, my brother, and the one with the blonde hair and irish accent is Niall, and the one with the quiff is Zayn." i explained. "okay. LIAM WHY DID YOU PUNCH ME?" louis went back at liam. "because you looked, i would have just talked to you if you didnt have your own girlfriend." liam explained. "oh," a look of guilt came on louis face. "its okay lou. i forgive you and im sorry for puching you." liam apologizes. "its okay, i kinda deserved it." lou said to liam.

*Harry's POV*

we took lou home and he asked a million questions. "Okay Lou! Shut the hell up!" Zayn screamed. "We have a concert tomorrow right?" Louis asked "yea," I said. "I promise if you teach me my part and the song I can do it." Louis said. Struggle and stress ran through my mind. I gave him his phone to see if he could remember. All these moments in his pictures. "Oh my god, Harry!" Louis said laughing. "Lou, buddy, you remember me?" I asked "yea hazza. I lied to the doctors." Louis said. "I SERIOUSLY SPENT HOURS BAKING YOU A CAKE! AND YOU WERE FRIGGIN FAKING!" Nicki yelled. "Woah Nicole Anne. Chillax!" I said. "Fuck you styles" Nicki said giving me a death glare. she was one evil girl.

Liam's •POV•

I took my girlfriend outside. "Hey I wanna show you something" I said to nicki. "Okay what is it!?" She asked me. "One sec it's a suprise" I covered her eyes. We arrived. I led her to the destination. "Okay open" I tell her. "Really, you carved our initials into a tree. You're so lame!" She said laughing. "Wait that's not it." I said. I led her to the FINAL DESTINATION. Ha. I uncovered her eyes. Which expanded once she saw it. It was a huge gigantic garden that had LJP+NAS=4EVER. I could see the tears of joy in Nicki's eyes. "How do you like it?" I asked. "I-it's b-be-beautiful Liam! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Nicki said. Instead if saying your welcome I just gabbed her waist and pulled her closer i kissed her lips softly till she kissed back more passionately. I pull back "I love you so much" I said to her. I rested my forehead on hers for a minute and then started up the car.

It was much more quiet in the ride back. She turned down the radio and looked at me. "Liam I love you" she said. "I love you to Nicki" I said and I meant it too.

We just arrived at soundcheck. "Where were you Liam?" Harry asked concerned. "Somewhere" I answered. "Let's start" Harry said.

Now we where driving to the concert. I was tired. "Okay now greet everyone when you meet them" Harry told Nicki. "Okay" Nicki smiled. I could tell she was nervous. We walked in and saw Lou ready to see us. Harry ran to Lux and picked her up. I stood there with Nicki. "Hey Liam. Who is this?" Lou asked me. "I'm Nicole, but you can call me Nicki" Nicki introduced herself. Harry ran back to us when he caught lux. "Here nicki" he said handing me lux. "Oh my god, hello cutie" Nicki said taking lux. "She's such a cutie!" Nicki said. "Thanks. So how are you here. What's your story" Lou asked. Nicki looked her in the eyes and smiled. "Styles" Nicki said. "What?" Lou said confused. "Nicole Anne Styles, if your wondering" Nicki had explained. Lou nodded and smile "Your Nicki! Harry's sister" Lou said. "Yep the one and only Nicki Styles!" She said. "Hey lou, and she's my girlfriend" I whispered with a thumbs up as Nicki dragged me to the couch. "Get some payne!" Lou yelled back and I fell down laughing. "Li-am!" Lux said. I picked her up smiling. "Lux!" I said. I gave her back to Harry and niall.

Soon we were onstage performing. We sang alot and did 5 encores. "Woah" my voice creaked. "I think I lost it" I said as it went quiet towards the end.


Hey I love you guys!! Thanks for supporting me! Sorry it's short. It took me a while bc I kept getting interrupted. Update tomorrow. Love you. 😘😘.

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