He slammed particularly hard into my body, making me whine in pain. It was hard to not be in pain when I was bearly even hard anymore. The sound went unnoticed so I resorted to scratching his back a little when it would hurt. His pace sped up, hurting me more and more. I wasn't sure I was hearing things but I swore it was a knock on the door. Then again, it could have been the bed banging the wall. The noise sounded again and I tried to push the man off me because I knew it was a knock this time, but he just held me down and continued.

"Stop! There's someone at the door!" I hissed to him. He groaned and trust into my like my words ment nothing to the man pleasuring himself with my body. He squeezed my wrists tightly making me yelp in pain and climaxed right when the door was swung open. I looked over, but it was too dark to see who was there and the flashlights blinded my eyes from seeing anything either.

"Both of you! On the floor, hands behind your back!" A man yelled. The professor hopped off me and listened immediately while I slowly tried to listen, but my body was in too much pain. My arms collapsed on the bed and I just laid there instead.

"There's money on the table. Let them get dressed then cuff them." A man ordered. The lights got turned on in the room and I pulled the blankets so it could cover me some. I just laid there taking deep breaths and thinking of how in the world I could ever get away from this. The man in was with got dressed quickly as he was asked questions about what we were doing tonight. He told them the truth right away because I could tell he was scared.

"You're going to have to get dressed." An officer told me. I looked up at him and nodded sadly. He just looked at me like I was scum. I got my clothes on as fast as  could then sat back down on the bed. My eyes didn't look up past my knees because I knew if I looked at these policemen I would loose my dignity and just cry.

"Little Horan! Cuff him and take him away in your car. He doesn't seem to need to be waiting for another car." One man said. I looked up and saw Niall coming over to me with his handcuffs out. His blue eyes looked at me and sent me a soft wink, but that just confused me. He put the handcuffs on me, but they were so loose I could have easily slipped out of them. I wasn't complaining because both my wrists were hurt.

"I've got you." Niall whispered to me as he lead me down to his car. He put me in the back seat and shouted that he was taking me to the station. Everyone seemed to busy to even notice or care so he got in the driver's seat and sped off down the street. We stayed in silence for a few minutes until I slipped out of my cuffs and pulled my knees up to my chest. My face buried into my knees as I begin to cry over the fact I didn't know what was going to happen. I trusted Niall wouldn't really do this to me, but I felt like he actually might. The car stopped and I looked up to see we were parked out front of his flat building. He climbed to the back seat and pulled me into his arms.

"Niall, I don't want to go to jail. I can't make it there. I promise I'll be good. I promise I won't get into trouble." I cried to him, sounding allot like my younger self when I would get scolded by my mum. He held me tightly and I held him back just the same.

"Please let me help you get away from this life. I never wanted to see you doing it in real life. Now I have and do you know how it makes me feel? I'm a police officer and I can't protect you from being used like that. I want you to see what I see when I look at you. I want you to fix this. Zayn, you're more than this." Niall told me with his voice breaking. I nodded to him, not agreeing with his last words but agreeing that I wanted to get away from this. This was too close for comfort to getting caught. I was so lucky to have Niall be the one to catch me doing this. I don't want to know what it's like to be in the hands of anyone else.

"You can live with me, Zayn. You can draw all day with all the art stuff you could ever want. You won't ever be hungry. I'll take care of you. When you feel better mentally, you can get a job somewhere or start school to get an even better job. We can do this." Niall whispered to me. I nodded into his chest and moved back to look at him. He wiped my tears and I wiped his that had fallen as well.

He took me inside his flat and got me comfortable with some of his clothes and telling me to shower off quickly. I did just that and got in his clothes what were a little small length wise. Niall was waiting for me once I got out of the bathroom. He took me to the guest bedroom and got me comfortable in bed. I just looked at him and saw he was trying his hardest not to see me for the slut he walked in on but the person he thought he knew.

"I need to get back to the station to pretend to fill out paperwork that you all ready got paid out of jail. I'll be back in an hour or so, just try to get come sleep." He whispered to me. He left the room, but I didn't try hard enough to get some sleep. Instead, I felt something weird churn in the pit of my stomach. It was something that felt like hope. It was hope that maybe I was ready to turn my life around. It was hope that maybe Niall actually cared.

A/N: here's another chapter! I just can't stop writing haha. I decided against Ziall smut, but that will be coming soon and there will be allot of it! Haha fluff coming as well!!! Do you collect anything?!?!??!?! (I collect CDs haha I just really like having a physical copy of stuff) Comment/Vote!
-Bri ;)

Life Of A Prostitute (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now