"There's my favorite prince and princess!" He gave them both kisses on the heads. "And there's my favorite Queen!" Alfred groined and leaned down to press his lips to Arthur's.

Arthur smiled, setting down his embroidery on his swollen belly. "I was wondering where my Farmer boy went."

Alfred chuckled, tossing his kids on the bed, then falling beside them as they squealed. "I was in the office!" He picked up Abigail and raised her up. "Had five different economy proposals from Hearts and Diamonds."

"Ah," Arthur breathed out, standing up with the help of the arm of his rocking chair. "And how is dear Lily?"

The King snickered as Abigail and Andrew tried taking his glasses. "She's doing really well for running that entire kingdom with just herself and her brother. She's also still looking for a suitable alpha so she can bare the next King when it is needed."

"I'm gonna be King!" Abigail squealed, waving her King-marked hand in the air and Andrew fell back, giggling insanely.

"Yes you are," Alfred shouted, dropping her on the bed, raising her dress, then blowing on her stomach. Abigail shrieked and laughed, trying to shove her father off.

Andrew bounced on the bed, then climbed on Alfred's back. "Me, me! I want daddy to blow on my tummy too!"

Arthur laughed softly at the scene, then picked up Andrew. "You two need to settle down. It is almost nap-time."

"Aww!" Abigail, Andrew, and Alfred all pouted, giving Arthur the biggest puppy eyes they could manage.

The Queen groaned. "No, don't give me those eyes." He tried to look away, but was turned back when they all stuck out their bottom lip. Arthur gave in and sighed. "Fine. Only a little while longer."

"Yes!" Both Alfred and Abigail pumped their fists and Andrew only giggled as he kissed his mother's cheek.


"Look, you two. That's your new brother." Arthur smiled as the twins sat on either side of him, eyes wide with curiosity and amazement as they stared at the sleeping bundle in Arthur's arms. Alfred stood beside the bed and leaned down to kiss Arthur's sweaty forehead.

Arthur looked up at Alfred, tears in his emerald eyes. "I love you, my Farmer boy."

The King chuckled softly, pecking Arthur's lips. "How long will you keep that nickname up?"

The Queen laughed. "Until the day I die, and even after that."

"Alright." Alfred slid onto the bed, bringing Abigail into his lap. "I love you, too, my Queen."


"Hey, dad?"

Alfred looked up from his work to see Abigail slipping through the doors of his office. He smiled softly and leaned back. "What is it?"

His eleven-year-old daughter hurried over and sat in his lap. She curled up and cuddled against him. Alfred wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin on her head. "Will my Queen and Jack only show up when you and mama and mister Yao die?"

The King chuckled softly. "No. They'll show up after we die before our reign is over, or they'll show up when we retire from our reign. So they could show up before mom or I die."

Abigail sighed and relaxed in relief. "Good. I don't want you or mama to die anytime soon just so I can have my Queen and Jack. I'd rather that they don't be found if you and mama had to die first."

Alfred hummed, kissing the top of her head. "Well, your mom and I aren't planning on dying anytime soon, sweetie."

"Good." Abigail nodded her head. They stayed silent for a moment before she spoke up again. "Did you love mom when you found out he was your Queen?"

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