Chapter 11

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Arthur groaned, rolling his head. Alfred sat up, brows furrowed in concern as he reached for his glasses. "What's the matter? Hungry again?"

The Queen of Spades shook his head. "No," he whined, his hands gripping the blankets over his swollen belly. Arthur was only five months in, and his belly was already rather large.

Alfred tilted his head. "Why else would you be up in the middle of the night?" He tiredly rubbed his eyes to keep himself a awake to figure out what was wrong with his pregnant spouse. "Feeling sick again?"

Arthur sighed, looking down. "No... I'm just worried. I've hardly felt the child. It's way too calm, and it worries me. What if it's weak? What if it's dying inside of me? What if I'm not supporting it good enough? Do you think that's why the other baby died? Because I wasn't supporting it well enough?" Tears began to steadily slip down Arthur's rosy cheeks.

Alfred sighed and cupped Arthur's face. "Baby, listen to me." He leaned over and gently kissed Arthur. "You are doing just fine. You are supporting them perfectly well, okay? You are not doing anything wrong. Now stop worrying. You'll stress yourself out." Arthur nodded, his hands now over Alfred's instead of his belly. Alfred smiled, pecking Arthur's nose, then resting his palm over Arthur's belly. "This baby will be just fine. You'll be a wonderful mother and I'll be the best father I can, alright?"

Arthur smiled and nodded, then gasped with a jolt. Alfred chuckled, leaning closer once again. "Alfred!" Arthur grinned excitedly both his hands over the hand placed on his stomach.

The King grinned as well. "I know. I felt it, too." Arthur giggled softly, drawing Alfred in for a kiss. "I kinda hope the baby is like you," Alfred whispered once they pulled apart. Arthur tilted his head with a light blush dusting his cheeks. "I want it to be feisty and smart and beautiful. Just like you." Arthur smiled softly, his fingers beginning to play with Alfred's hair. "Maybe it'll have a nice butt just like it's mom."

The Queen squeaked, his face becoming red as he slapped Alfred upside the head. The King laughed. "Don't be such a dolt! And don't teach this child to be vulgar either! If you do, I will murder you myself, Alfred Jones!"

"Alright, alright!" Alfred snickered, nuzzling into Arthur. "I won't, I promise! This baby will be completely and totally innocent. Promise."

"Good." Arthur nodded in approval, arms around Alfred's shoulders. "Now let's go back to sleep, you git."


Alfred sighed, relaxing back into his office chair. He finally finished that month's paperwork, and was ready to send it all out. He looked up when there was a knock at the door. "Come in, Yao," he called, recognizing the timid knock that Jack used when confused, upset, or worried.

The brunette poked his head in before stepping in fully, topaz eyes on the floor. "Uhm, K-King Bonnefoy of Diamonds is visiting. He is demanding to see you."

This caused Alfred to scowl. He stood, brushing off non-existent dust from his coat and vest. "Tell him I'll be right down."

However, Yao gulped. "He also wishes to see Queen Arthur for reasons he would not say."

Alfred's scowl deepened and he suppressed a growl bubbling up in his chest. "Tell him, 'too bad.' I'll be right down."

Yao nodded, then scampered off after muttering that he'd tell King Francis to wait in the throne room.

Alfred sighed, walking out of the office and heading in the opposite direction of his throne room. He opened the door to his shared bedroom and returned the smile he was received from his pregnant Queen.

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