Chapter 9

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Arthur sighed softly, resting his head ing Alfred's chest. He stare out the window, watching doves fly away. "Alfred? You awake yet?"

"Yeah." Alfred shifted, his arm tightening slightly around his Queen's waist. "Are you okay? Did you have another nightmare?" He's been having awful nightmares ever since he found out he was barren about a week ago.

Arthur nodded. "Yeah. In this one, Francis really did cut off your head before Victoria reached the castle in time and he raped me. I wasn't able to fight back." Alfred shifted to lay on his side and wrapped Arthur in his arms. "It was awful. I couldn't feel anything though. I was just numb."

Alfred hummed, kissing Arthur's head. "I'm sorry, babe. That won't ever happen, though. Promise." Arthur nodded.

They lay there for a moment before Arthur leapt out of the bed, startling Alfred. The Queen dashed into the bathroom an fell to his knees in front of the toilet. Alfred quickly followed, then knelt beside Arthur. The small man heaved, emptying the contents of his stomach as Alfred gently rubbed circles into his back. Once Arthur was done, he leaned back, breathing raggedly. Alfred stood and grabbed a cup. He filled it with tap water and handed it to his Queen. Arthur rinsed out his mouth and spit it out.

"Feel better?" Alfred whispered as he kissed just above Arthur's ear, rubbing his back again. Arthur sluggishly nodded, leaning on Alfred. "You should lay down today. I'll go on to Rosewood alone."

"Alright." Alfred helped Arthur to his feet and led him back to the bed. "Go get ready.

Alfred leant over and kissed Arthur's head. "I'll be back tomorrow morning. Love you." Arthur only hummed in response, waving his hand to shoo Alfred away.


"Hey, Tino."

Said little omega looked up from feeding his family's dog, Hanamatago, and looked behind him. "Alfred!" Tino gasped, then grinned, wrapping his King in a hug. Alfred chuckled, returning the embrace. "Oh, we've missed you! Especially Peter. Come in, come in! You must be hungry from traveling all day! I just finished making lunch!"

Alfred laughed being dragged inside the familiar, cozy little home situated beside the Rosewood stables. He sat in the extra seat at their dancing table and the little boys eyes widened before he squealed happily and practically tackled Alfred in a hug. "Alfred, you're back, you're back! It's been so so long and I have so so much to tell you! Papa is outside working, so I get to talk to you more without him telling me to stop bugging you like last time you stopped by for a visit on your way back to the castle from Cantarwood!"

"Alright, Alright! Slow down little guy!" Alfred laughed loudly, ruffling  Peter's hair. "Settle down, will ya? I've gotten an awful headache."

Tino gently swatted Peter away. "Sit, dear." He placed two bowls of soup on the table in front of the two younger males. He then gently pressed the back of his hand against Alfred's head. "You need to stop stressing yourself, Alfred. You're going to have grey hairs before Berwald and I if you keep this up."

At this, Alfred chuckled softly before taking a taste of Tino's soup. "Hmm, delicious!~"

Tino giggled, searching through his medicine cabinet. "Thank you! I worked extra hard on it today! So is Arthur at the castle or here in Rosewood doing business?

"Stayed at the castle," the King answered, forgetting to swallow his food before speaking. "He threw up this morning."

"Oh~!" Tino smiled, sitting across from Alfred. "Good ol' morning sickness, I see!~" The small omega chirped happily, then frowned upon seeing Alfred's crestfallen expression. Alfred held his spoon just above the rim of the bowl and stared down into the soup. "Alfred?"

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