chapter 13

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"Sakura stop!" Boruto cried as the pink haired woman grabbed him by the collar.

"It's all your fault that my Sasuke left me!! What are they hiding?!"

"Wait until tomorrow! There announcing it!! Now let me go!" The boy cried out.

"NO! I'm going to keep you in till I know you're not lying!"

The poor boy was crying his heart out, tears running down his face as he was dragged back to the woman's home.

She threw the boy into a bedroom and locked it from the outside.

"If you use your chakra it'll be absorbed by the room!" The pinknette laughed out walking away with sass in her step.

But luckily boruto had an emergency cell phone with him.

He dialed sasukes number, praying that he would answer.



Boruto? Where are you?!

"Sakura has me locked in a room! Please help!"

I'm on my way.


To say sasuke was shocked would be an understatement. He knew Sakura was mad, but this is down right insane. Kidnapping a 12 year old ninja - A fucking ninja!

Once the man got to the front door of the house he tried to open it, but to alas it was locked.

So he kicked it down.

Walking into the oh so familiar house he went to the room he suspected Boruto to be locked in, but once again bad luck struck.

He walked into Sakuras room.

"Oh! Sasukee! Have you come to take me back?" She asked excitement in her voice.

"I've come to take back my son."

"Sasuke dear, he's not your son. He's that stupid hokages offspring."

He thought for a second his anger broiling as he walked over to her. Putting his palm on her forehead to release the ginjutsu.


"Naruto!" Sasuke called running into the hospital, Sakura close behind.

"You must be the father..correct?"

"What are you talking about? I'm his old teammate Sasuke Uchiha!"

"Oh..I see so you are the father."

"What are you even talking about?!"

"Has Naruto not told you? Oh well then I'll tell you. Naruto has gone into labor, as it turns out he got pregnant when he had sex with you last. He told us to keep it a secret from the father -you - but I don't see a point anymore."

Sasuke let that sink in..he's going to be a father when this baby is born?

"Where's Naruto." His stern voice even making Sakura shiver.

"You can't go in, it's against the rules." The nurse tried to explain.

"I'll ask one more time, wheres. Naruto."

"But sir-"

"I'm waiting!"

"Ugh..he's in room 103."

Sasuke didn't even say thank you running up to his blondes room he slammed the door open.

Sakura followed suit.

And sure enough there was a blonde in a hospital bed holding a baby in his arms.

Looking over the blonde's eyes widen.

"No - it's not what it.."

"Save it you idiot!"

"I didn't ask you to get me pregnant!"

"You didn't seem to care when it was happening!"

And with that the room became silent. Until Sakura decided to pipe up.

"That's disgusting"

Both males looked over at her.

"You guys having a baby is disgusting, I hope you don't plan on keeping that thing."

Naruto grew angry.

"What would you know?!" He barked out.

"I know that a guy Giving birth is wrong and stupid. And you expect me to believe sasuke is the father? Please- you'll have a better chance at making me believe unicorns exist!" She laughed out.

"Sasuke, put ginjutsu on Sakura to make her forget...then make hinata think she gave birth and not me."

"Can I at least hold my son first?"




"Bullshit!" Sakura screamed.

"Now give me my son!"

"That slut I'll kill him! I can't believe he would bribe you to have sex with you!"

"Sakura! I'm done playing games!" And with that sasuke broke the wall connecting Sakuras room with the one next to it."

"Dad!" Boruto cried jumping into his father's arms.

"Let's go!" Sasuke rushed leaving the broken house behind.

"THAT NARUTO! I'LL KILL HIM!" Came Sakuras voice once more, before she ran away.

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