chapter 12

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Before this even starts, I want to tell you that this chapter will be mostly about sasuke and Naruto with the new baby on the way. Enjoy~


"Aghh!" Naruto groaned in pain as the baby delivered a giant kick, that he didn't pay for.

"Sasuke I hate you!!" The blonde screamed. tears forming in his eyes.

Sasuke himself however was ignoring the blonde idiot, cursing himself at why he thought this was a good idea. He never gets any sleep because of his lovers constant yells of pain. And of course sasuke felt bad for his blonde, who knows what kind of pain he's going through right now.

"Sasukeeeeee~" he wined once more.


"Sasuke, rub my belly..Please?"

"Will it get you to calm down?"

There was silence, and sasuke finally gave in, turning on his side and rubbing where he assumed the baby and pain was coming from.

"Thank you sasuke." Came a tired voice.

That's right, sasuke wasn't the only one not getting sleep, but his blonde as well.

"This soothes the baby, doesn't it?" Sasuke more stated than questioned, but the idiotic blonde replied either way.

" does, and it soothes me, your touch being so gentle and soft."

"What dose it feel like? Having a growing human inside of you? Is it scarry, or Is it calming?"

"Well..other than the pain and agony I go through, I'd say it's more of being proud, it makes me happy knowing that I'm creating a life, ya, know?"

"I wish I could feel it kick."

"And soon you will which I'm not looking forward to, because then the kicks will be twice as strong."

Sasuke chuckled at this statement. Leaning his head up and kissing the blonde on the lips.


"Kids! Food!" Naruto yelled putting the the breakfast foods on the table.

And For Breakfast they where having..... toast with some soft but chewy bacon on the side and to top it all off an omelet full of cheese and tiny pieces of bacon.

"Yum!" All of the children say in unison as they start to dig in.

"How's mommy doing?" Sauk mocked while entering the dining room.

A glare was sent at the cocky uchiha, by none other than 'mommy' himself.

"Cocky bastard." He mumbled eating some of his omelet, which do to cravings, wasn't very appealing to everyone else.

It contained, gummybears, peanut butter, cheese and ketchup.

"What the hell ate you eating" 'daddy' questions examining the mystery substance. "It's called pregnancy cravings, I'll get mood swings too, you should have been there when Sakurai was pregnant because if you where you'd know what's going on right now."

The Uchiha glared "you didn't exactly tell me you where pregnant the last time!"

"Well I was scared about what you would think!"

"What could you possibly be afraid of!?"

"I was scared you'd leave me!!" Tears forming in the corner of the blonds eyes as he admits his fears. "I didn't want you to leave, then you found out by the hospital when i was in labor!"


Sasuke brings Said blonde into a one armed hug, kissing the blond locks and whispering sweet nothings to the other man.


"Ouch!" Sasuke yelps at a sudden force to his bare back.

"Don't poke me!" He yelled.

"I didn't poke you! I just got a kick!"

"What?! You mean...I felt the kick?!?!" The dark male yelled out in disbelief.


Sasuke brought his hand up to the place he rubbed the night before, and sure enough he felt strong pushes on his hand.

"I can feel it" he smiled.

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