Chapter 10

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That's it! I knew he could hear my thoughts if I let him because he marked me. I'm tired of this! I flung my head around and bit his hand so hard that I tasted blood right away.  He yowled and let go of my tail.  I raked my claws across his cheek and limped to the door.

As fast as I could, I got home and shifted back.  I grabbed some more clothes from my closet and put them on.

"Why the hell did your mate lock my daughter in the dungeon?" I turned to see my mom glaring at me from the doorway.

"So I'm not your daughter anymore?" I hissed.

She growled, "Answer me!"

"She helped David try to catch me." I muttered, "And she almost killed me."

"Why?" She demanded.

I sighed and told her everything Cheyenne told me in the forest.  I ignored her shocked face as I laid down and tried to go to sleep.

*A week later*

For some reason, I healed faster than an average werewolf.  I decided to go for a walk to think about some things.  I suddenly remembered Matthew could hear my thoughts because he marked me.  I hate you!  I thought, then shut him out.

I tripped on something and barely caught myself from falling on my face.  I looked down and saw a secret hatch buried in leaves and dirt.  This isn't supposed to be here.  I slowly pulled it open and went down a few steps.  It was almost pitch black inside, so I felt around for a light switch.  I finally found it and when the lights came on, I was shocked at what I saw.  There were piles of jems and gold all around the underground room.

Why is all of this here?  I wondered.

"This belongs to mate." My cat said, "It first belonged to his great grandfather."

"How do you kn - you asked his wolf, didn't you?" I growled.

She whimpered, "His wolf isn't like him.  He's nice."

"The only reason you can talk to his wolf is because he marked us without permission!"

"His wolf had no control over that." She muttered, but didn't say anything else.  I stopped arguing because I knew she wouldn't give up.

I walked further in and got a better look at the room.  It was a huge room, almost completely filled with treasures.

"Wait!" My cat suddenly yelled.

I stepped on something that made a door slam behind me.  I turned around and tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge.  Then I heard some fans in the walls turn on, and I knew exactly what they were pumping into the air.  Gas.

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