Chapter 28

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As I was walking into my father's office Lorenzo came rushing out. I called after him but he kept walking so I headed into the office to see the woman who walked out on us. She turned around and she looked the exact same as she did when she left a couple of years ago. "Giovanni." I held my hand up signaling her to stop talking. "What is she doing here?" "Sit down, please." I shook my head. "No what is she doing here?" they both turned and looked at each other. "I am coming home." When she said that I started to laugh a humorless laugh. "Home what the fuck do you mean come home. You don't have a home here anymore; you lost that when you left." My dad let out a long sigh. "There are somethings that you should know. Please sit down."



"Hello." I said sleepily as I picked up my phone. "Anaya you need to get here now." I looked at the caller id to see that it was Hassan and that it was 2. "Hassan is 2 in the morning. What are you talking about?" I said with a yawn. "It's Giovanni he's destroying everything." I fell back into my pillow tempted to go back to sleep. "San that's not my probl..." "His mom came back yesterday." I sat up. "What?" "She came back and Giovanni, his mother and father all had a sit down. When he came back he was beyond pissed. He came back to the warehouse and beat Sophia. When he was finished her body was unrecognizable. After that he left I tried calling him but he didn't pick up his phone, so I stopped by and the inside of his house was completely destroyed. Please you and I both know what can happen." I sighed and started to get dressed. "Fine I'll be there as soon as I can." We hung up and I got dressed. I walked into Jas's room to wake her up. "What?" She whined. "Can you watch Evie?" "Why?" all I told her was that I needed to handle some business. "Naya be careful, alright? Don't have me and Erin have to catch case because you know we will." I nodded and walked out of her room and into Evie's room to giver a kiss.

I pulled up in front of Giovanni's place to see Hassan, Chris, and Jason sitting outside. "So what's happened so far?" they caught me up and I went digging in my pocket for the key to his house. I opened the door and we walked in slowly. "Giovanni!?" I yelled as went further into the house. We made it to the living room when Giovanni came around the corner with bloody knuckles and a bruised face. "Giova..." "Get out!" He yelled. "Man com..." "GET OUT!!" the guys held their hands up in surrender. "Alright we're going." Chris said as they took a few steps back. While they were leaving I just stood there. "Anaya you coming?" I shook my head "No. It's okay you all go." Giovanni eyes went from looking behind me to staring dead at me. I slowly walked towards him, while I did so he never took his eyes off of me.



I was leaning against the bathroom counter as Anaya stood in front of me. "You know when you get mad you're not supposed go around destroying things." I watched her lips move as she spoke. "You know Hassan had to call me because he was scared you would do something crazy." "My mom came back." She stopped talking and looked up at me. "She came back and she told me why she left." I had to look away from her face as I felt my eyes water. I felt like a little bitch right now as I tried not to fucking cry. "What did she say?" I chuckled "My dad found out that she was cheating and told her he wanted her gone. He agreed to pay 1.5 million to leave and never come back, and she took it. She took the money and just left her kids, and on top of that she went on to have another kid, he's 3 or 4." I was fucking livid when I found out. "I walked out into the bedroom with her following me.

"I know we aren't together anymore and I may say that our lives are separate, but you can talk to me." I turned around and looked at her. I walked right up to her pushing her against the dresser and I kissed her. She kissed me back, it was like we were back in high school. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and I walked over to my bed. I laid her down on the bed and stood above her taking in her features that have changed so much over the years. Her chocolate skin, her pouty lips, and her curves that were super defined. I gripped her legs and pulled her tights off along with her panties. I through her legs over my shoulders and devoured her pussy like it was my last meal. After she came a couple of times I threw my shirt off and trailed kisses up stomach as I pulled her shirt off. I kissed her lips as I slowly slid into her which caused her to moan. I thrusted into her as I she gripped my hair and dug her nails deep into my back. "Fuck." I groaned out as she mumbled a slur of words into my ear. "I'm... I'm com...Yes. Yes. Right there." Her moans filled my ears as I soon followed. I rolled off of her and laid next to her making sure to pull her sleeping form close to me. I drifted off into a peaceful sleep.



I woke up the next morning feeling better than I had been for the past couple of weeks. I tried to get out of bed but Giovanni pulled me right back to his chest. "I have to pee." He let out a long sigh and let me go which caused me to laugh. I did my business and groomed myself then I walked out to see him still laying down. "I have to go back to Houston." He sat up and turned towards me. "And back to him. Is Evie with him?" Shit. 8 had completely forgotten about Andreas. To completely honest I haven't talked to him since the night of his little family reunion. I was starting feel suffocated being around Andreas. I was starting to think that we should take a break from each other. "You do realize I go to school. Not everything I do revolves around Andreas. To answer your question, no Evie isn't with him she's with Jas." He stood up in all his naked glory and walked towards me. I was intimidated by his large figure walking towards me and his... manhood standing at full attention, so I backed up against the bathroom door. Once he reached me he pinned me against the door and asked me the one question that I had been thinking about for a while now. "Do you really want to be with him?"


~Giovanni lost his shit and Anaya was the only one who could calm him down.

~Anaya cheated on Andreas. And she's second guessing their relationship.

**Do yall think Anaya wants to be with Andreas? **

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