Chapter 26

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A: Yeah he said he wanted to come with us.

J: Bro he just fucking with you.

E: Maybe he really trying.

I pulled my phone from my ear giving it a crazy look

A: Nah he's probably up to something.

We continued talking until I pulled up to my apartment.

A: Alright guys I'm about to go. I'll talk to yall later.

J: Chow

E: Adios

I got out of the car and headed into my place. "Hi Ricky." "Hey Naya. I take it you had fun last night." I looked over at her a little shocked. "Why do you say that?" she chuckled. "Well for one you have hickey's all over you neck. You're wearing guy clothes and I saw Dre's Instagram." I laughed because it was like everybody knew Dre. "Oh." "You and Dre are so cute together. And Evie looks just like him." I burst out laughing; that wasn't the first time that people thought Evie was Dre's. I guess my laughter was loud because I soon hear little feet running. "MOMMY!!" Evie said jumping into my arms. "Hey pumpkin. You ready to go?" "Yes!" she said nodding her head rapidly.

Before I pulled off from the parking lot I texted Giovanni telling him were to meet us. "Okay so munchkin we're going to have someone join us." "Ooo is it Dre?" I shook my head. "TT Erin and Jas?" "Nope." I looked at her through the mirror to see she was really thinking hard. "Evie daddy is going to be joining us." I looked at her to see the smile slowly slipping off her face. "Oh. Okay. Does that mean Miss. Sophia is coming?" I shook my head. I had completely forgotten about Sophia. 'Ugh' just saying her name but a bad taste in my mouth. But now that I'm thinking about it Sophia wasn't with Giovanni when I saw him. "No she won't be joining us." When I said that she perked up a little.

I got out of the car and then I helped Evie. As we were heading into the nail shop out of the corner of my eye I see someone walking towards me. I look and I saw it was Giovanni holding a little teddy bear and four sunflowers. "Evie look who it is." She turned her head and looked up at him. I smiled because I could tell Evie was trying really hard not to smile. He walked up to us and squatted down to her level. "Here you go beautiful." "Thank you." She said smiling as she took the bear and two of the flowers. He stood up and looked at me. We held eye contact then he held up the two sunflowers. I looked from him to the flowers back at him.



I was sitting in the parking lot of where Naya told me to meet her. Once I saw her pull and the two of them step out of the car I got and headed towards them. "Evie look who it is." I heard Naya say to Evie. I watched as Evie turned and looked at me. I felt a mixture of emotions flow through me as I looked at her. I walked over to them and I leaned down to her level and handed her a teddy bear and two of her favorite flowers, sunflowers. "Here you go beautiful." Her smile grew even bigger and then I her mumble 'thank you.' I kissed her forehead and stood up and looked at Anaya. We looked each other in the eyes and slowly held up the other two flowers. She looked between me and flowers before she finally decided to take them. "Thank you." She said smelling the flowers.

"So how does this work?" I asked as I sat in the nail shop. Evie begged me to get my toes done and i couldn't say no. Both Evie and Naya were giggling as they looked at me. "Daddy all you do is put your feet in the water and sit there." I did as I was told and I'm not going to lie it was pretty chill. As Evie was finishing up with her nails Anaya and I were sitting by the door talking and laughing. "Look, look." Evie said running up to us hold her nails up. "Wow these look so good." Anaya said examining them. "Okay so what's next?" I said looking at them. They both looked at each other. "Hair."

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