"Kyan?" my voice was filled with fear. He looked back over to me with a smirk on his face and an evil glint in his eyes. "You know, I've had this for a while. Wasn't sure when to use this if you didn't comply in having sex with me. Even if it took three years. I'm sure it would be worth it."

Tears were now pouring down my face. This guy played me. All of those times where I thought I had someone who loves me, was just a joke.

I hissed out in pain as the rope came in contact with my wrists. Kyan only laughed at my response to the silver. I struggled underneath him but his grip on my wrists was extremely tight that it hurt a lot, it'll probably leave bruises.

"Please stop!" I cried out through tears as he tied the rope tightly around my wrists, binding them together. Now I was sobbing because of the pain of the silver and the fact that I was probably about to be ráped.

"Shut up," he growled as he slapped me across the face causing me to become quiet. A waterfall of tears flowed down my cheeks as I let out a choked sob. He then took advantage of my state and took my innocence away. It was extremely painful, nothing gentle about it. Just a long agonizing bang that scarred me for life and made me fear becoming attached again.


I headed out of my English classroom with the bathroom pass dangling from my fingers. I was glad that I was able to escape that horrible lecture my teacher was giving about how poorly we all did on our test.

The halls were empty, only a single person here and there, most likely skipping class. I entered the girl's bathroom. There was one girl in there washing her hands. She acknowledged me by nodding her head which I returned the gesture. I didn't have to use the restroom, I just wanted a way to get out of my class. The girl left leaving me alone in the bathroom.

I let out a sigh of relief before staring at my reflection. My black straight hair was pulled into a braid while I had on a simple red plaid shirt unbuttoned, a black tank top, skinny jeans, and white converse.

There are a couple werewolves here, but they are well hidden. I'm not friends with any of them except for Sarina and Anthony. The three of us have kept our secret well hidden from our circle of friends to keep us safe. The sound of the bathroom door opening and caused me to glance at it through the mirror. My stomach tightened when I saw Kyan's reflection in the mirror along with some of his friends that use to be mine, too. But of course they were all in it.

"Well look who it is,"  he spoke with a dark look on his face with a smirk to top it all. "The little tramp who opened were legs for me. It was great really, you truly have a talent." My throat tightened at his words and anger coursed through me.

"I didn't do it willingly, ässwipe. I would never, and I'm sure all of the other girls you've played probably agree with me on this one, but you definitely lack that talent," I shot back adding a smirk at the end. The guys all 'ooo'ed while Kyan looked like he wanted to murder me. I decided to make things even worse by also adding, "You should probably get your díck checked out, I didn't know one could be that small."

Kyan stood there fuming. His jaw was clenched and he didn't hesitate to grab me roughly and push my back painfully against the sink. I struggled against him and sent a blow to his face. He let out a cry of pain as my knuckles connected roughly with his eye. Immediately the rest of the guys grabbed a hold of me. There was five of them not counting Kyan. I was definitely in deep shit.

"You bitch!" Kyan spat as a bruise was starting to form around his eye. I felt satisfied with the pain that I've caused him. I smirked as he winced and placed a hand over his eye. I was caught off guard when my cheek was stinging. He slapped me! I only punched him because he's harassing me. This asshole, I can't believe I loved him. My heart clenched at those words but then I remembered that I would have a mate. I felt on edge at the thought of a mate. There is only one thing that I feel when I think about mates. Fear.

"Did you really hit me?" I asked raising an eyebrow. The pain quickly subsided because I am a werewolf after all. "Are you really that pathetic?" I know I'm digging myself deeper into a whole, but he needs to hear the truth. I then received a blow to my cheek. I gasped for air as he then delivered one to my stomach.

"Shut up, you slut," he said through gritted teeth. My cheeks felt wet as my body ached with pain as I received another punch to my face. Next thing I knew the guy to my right started feeling me up and down. Some other guys started to also. Shit is this going to be a repeat? Fear filled my body as I internally started freaking out.

A smirk appeared on Kyan's lips as he watched. "Maybe we should have some fun?"  My eyes widened as I felt hands on my body.

"No! Stop!" I cried out. This is like Déjà vu, it seemed all too familiar. And it scared the hell out of me. Kyan sent someone to make sure no one came into the bathroom. It all happened so fast once again. All of my clothes were ripped off of me and I was touched in ways that I never wanted to be touched. All of the guys who I was friends with sexually harassed me and touched me. It was all too much to take in. It was all painful, no pleasure and I was glad. No girl should go through what I am.

My vision was blurred my tears and I cried. My mouth was taped shut so no one would hear me, I couldn't mind-link anyone in the pack because Kyan had the familiar rope from that one night three months before. Memories of my past years with Kyan flashed in my mind which made me cry harder.




My body slumped against the wall as my face felt dry and stiff because of my dried up tears. My eyes were puffy and I felt exhausted and dehydrated. I gave up trying to break the chains a long time ago. It's probably been at least 6 hours. Either he forgot about me or he doesn't give a shit.

My stomach hungered for food. I could eat anything right now. It's probably about 10 or something at night. My eyes began to droop as I began to slip unconscious but the sound of the door being unlocked caught my attention. I didn't bother looking up from the ground but my mate's scent hit my nose.

I heard the sound of footsteps approaching me but I didn't look up. I kept my eyes focused on the ground in front of me. Shoes came in my line of vision but I still didn't look up.

"Look up," my mate's voice filled my ears. Slowly I looked up. My eyes locked with my mate's green ones. There was a quick flash of guilt in his eyes but it disappeared quickly. "Do you understand what happens when you disrespect your Alpha?" He asked, his voice stern.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Yes, Alpha," I spat at him. His eyes grew dark before he took a key out of his pocket and unlocked the chains. My hands dropped my sides and it felt weird. I tried standing up but wobbled as I tried to steady myself.

I felt a hand grip onto my arm to help me but I carefully ripped my arm away without having Parker get mad at me.

I headed out the door without waiting for Parker. He doesn't deserve my wait and my wolf fully agreed with me.

"Listen, Jasmine," Parker began. I didn't look back but said quietly, "Stay away from me." I then walked out without turning back. A wash of emotions ran through me and I felt more tears well in my eyes but I quickly wiped them away. I need to be strong. I need to be strong. Don't be weak.

Stay strong. Don't be weak.


That's the end of chapter thirteen, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. So you have finally found out Jasmine's past. What are your thoughts on it?

Thank you for reading.

Rejecting the Alphaحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن