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Lately, I've come across a few writers with the gall to ask readers not to correct the spelling or grammar because the story is unedited. Really, I thought editing was part of the writing process.

1. Let's be real! Some people are writing and don't know the proper way to spell words or the correct way to use grammar so the put the note to deter people from making comments on it.

Well too bad! You are inviting people to read, vote, comment, and add the story so it comes with the territory.

2. How many "writers" go back to or have some edit the stories? I've seen some, but the majority leave the mistakes as is because the "writer" never intended to edit in the first place. S/he will get busy chasing votes and comments by creating a new story while forgetting the unedited story.

Does it take that long to read through the story you were so proud to write?

By all means, all the mistakes will not be caught but make a conscious effort to correct a mistake if it's brought to your attention. Heck, I probably skipped a few in this part, but I am not doing to get upset if someome catches it/them for me. I will show gratitude and thank them.

In addition, you should make the corrections because there are people who will come behind the original readers to read the story, and they should at least get a cleaner version. Remember, fans make your story #1.

Always remember YOUR AUDIENCE when you are writing. Although you can't please everybody, think about the ones that care about your story enough to point out something that doesn't make sense.

Spell Check Anyone????Where stories live. Discover now