No this fool didn't.

   "And you're pretty ignorant to be a human being." I retorted. I set my phone down on the table and crossed my arms.

   A look of confusion crossed his face. "What is that supposed to mean?"

   "I'm not pretty because for a black girl, I'm pretty because I am  a black girl."  I proudly said.

   "You black people can never just take a compliment can you." I could tell he was getting frustrated.

   "Well maybe if white would people actually knew how to compliment a person of color we wouldn't have a problem now would we? No. That's what I thought." Satisfied with my answer I enjoyed his various facial expressions. He was about to say something but was interrupted by the waitress bringing us our drinks. I grabbed both of my straws and greedily began slurping my drink.

   "Aren't you a little thirsty thing. What's that you got there caramel?" He leaned closer trying to look at my latte. " Kinda like your skin tone. That whip cream looks so good sitting on top of that."

   "If you're trying to imply that I look like a drink and you being the whip cream says that our bodies would look good together you're sadly mistaken." I raised my eyebrows as he furrowed his. I need this conversation to end.

   "Ok" He leaned back into the seat. " Just one more thing before I'm out of your hair." Would else could this man possibly have to say to me. "What do you usually find attractive in men?"

   "Their girlfriends." This latte is really good. I casually picked up one of my cookies waiting for his response.


   "I think you've overstayed your welcome sir." A familiar voice said. I looked up to see my hero and there stood Matteo in his black suit and red tie. His hair was gelled down this time showing more of his handsome face than last time.

   "And who are you?" The old man looked up and shrunk back into the booth after seeing Matteo tower over him.

   "I'm her fiancé, so I suggest you move." He said and grabbed the cookie out of my hand and winked at me while taking a bite.

   "You think you scare me young man

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   "You think you scare me young man." He shifted forward a little and squinted his eyes.

   "Maybe I don't but I'm sure he will old man" Matteo casually opened his suit jacket to reveal a black gun gleaming from the sunshine through the window. He gripped the gun in his hands and leaned down to the man. "Now I suggest you leave or you and my friend here are gonna have a little talk." He whispered.

   His eyes widened and shot up to me pleading for help. I simply shrugged my shoulders and continued to sip on my almost empty latte. He quickly gathered his stuff and exited the café, tripping over a leg chair.

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