"No. Why?" Sage answered the girl.

"No reason." April sighed.

After no other response from Sage, April looked up to see that she was staring right at her with a huge smile on her face, before she resumed back to her book.

April rolled her eyes.

Sage knew that April had a massive crush on Axel even though she didn't want to admit to anything.

Just then her parents walked into the RV, with her dad going up to her and Carl.
"Hey kids, I'm gonna need to leave later."

"What why?" Carl asked as he stopped the game he was currently playing with Sophia.

"I left a man on a roof. And I need to get back to him. You understand that right?" Rick told his son.

Carl nodded before hugging him. Carl  didn't want his father to go but he trusted his fathers actions.

April on the other hand was a different story.

"Wait why do you have to go?" April turned to her father, with a slight raise in her voice, not believing what she was hearing.

Rick sighed before looking at his daughter. "I left Merle on his own sweetheart. I have to go back and get him."

"Um no you don't. It's Merle Dixon." April said to him shaking her head before her mother agreed with her.

"I know, but I can't let a man die because of me." Her father responded, knowing full well that his daughter would get angry at him.

"So what your just gonna get up and leave? You just got back dad! You can't leave now." April said angrily whilst her mother put a hand on her shoulder.

"April I need to go. I'm sorry, but I promise you I'll come back." Rick said trying to reason with his daughter.

April looked at him for a while before sighing. She knew she couldn't change her dad's mind, she had learnt that from a young age when she had always pleaded with him to let her go to a friends party but he had always said no. Not like she had listened to him anyways, she had always snuck out.

"Fine, but at least let me go with you." April said to him.

"No." Rick said firmly.

Rick had been out there already and nearly died. There was no way that he was going to send his daughter out there too.

"What? Please dad. If your going to go then I want to help." April tried to plead with her dad again.

"No. That's my final answer April. It's too dangerous out there, your safer here with Carl and your Mom. And it's my responsibility anyways, I have to pay the price for my actions. Not you."

April scoffed and looked back at her father angrily.

"Well fuck you then." April said to her father, before standing up and making her way out the RV, leaving everyone shocked at her outburst.

"April Louise Grimes!" Her father shouted her full name after her which April had cringed at but nonetheless ignored him and carried on walking, passing Shane who had raised an eyebrow up to the girl but April ignored him too.

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