Chapter 6

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I sit handcuffed on the bed as I angrily listen to the stupid screaming of some face painted 'artist'. OH MY GOSH would you just SHUT. UP!

I can't see a darn thing except for a red light on the stereo the music is playing on.

The door opens and light fills half the room, I squint my eyes at the shadowy figure in the middle.

He slowly walks in and turns the stereo off. He walks to me and turns on a very dim light.

I can see him now, he has a very structured face, I can see his chin up to the bottom of his nose are very scruffily from not shaving, he has dark eyes, almost black that is, and short black hair on top of his head.

He lights a cigarette and walks around the room.

A puff of smoke fills the room as the toxic like smell makes me cough.

He throws the cigarette on the ground and steps on it lighting another.

I try not to cry, I act tough and squeeze my lips tightly.

He looks at me as he takes the bud out I his mouth and laughs a groggy laugh, he shakes his head.

"You, you're tough!" He says pointing at me with his bud between his fingers, he puts it to his lips again before taking another inhale of smoke, he puffs it out once more.

"Never really had problems with the others." He laughs
"But you... I'm gonna enjoy watching you suffer-"

"What do you want." I say straight faced. I make it clear that I want an answer.

His smile goes away as he throws his bud on the floor and smears it in the ground with the tip of his boot. He gets closer to my face before saying, clearly.

"You." The words haunt me.

He laughs as he goes over and turns the music back on.
"Oh, and I brought you a friend! But you probably already met."
He says closing the door, revealing a very dead police officer. The one I saw earlier.
I scream loudly as tears pour down my face, this evil man has killed an officer, and is probably going to kill me. Only if I knew sooner...

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