Chapter 103

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I walk slowly down the corridor, my whole body shaking with nerves for when I see Regina. She's going to hate me, she already does. I've already lost my daughter, I can't lose my family.

I got so caught up in finding my daughter that I pushed her away, it's my fault.

The door opens, making me stop in my tracks as Henry walks out, he gives me a blank look, making me unsure of how he's feeling towards me. I smile weakly at him.

"Hey kid, can I go in?" I ask him

"Yes, but please don't mess it up any more than you have. You've hurt her enough" he sighs, walking down the corridor to his room

I start to feel guilty at how much I've hurt her, how what I said had such an impact on her. I don't deserve her or my family right now. But I have to try to win my wife back.

I peer through the door that's ajar, staring at Regina as she holds our daughter in her arms, her face filled with happiness as she rocks her gently, singing to her quietly. I take deep breath and knock on the door quietly, making her head turn slowly, her happiness dying when she sees me and being replaced with nerves and fear.

"Hello darling" I whisper as I walk into the room

"Hi, Robin" she mumbles nervously

I sit beside her gently, looking at my beautiful daughter in her arms, mesmerized by her beauty.

"Are you both okay?" I ask

"She's fine, I'm okay" she sighs

"Regina, listen, I am so sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it. I got so wrapped up in finding my daughter that I pushed my family away. I care about you, I love you, I know what I said made me sound like I didn't but I do, I love all of you and I never want to lose you ever. I am so sorry for what I said, I want to be a part of our children's lives but I understand if you don't want me to be" I gush

"Robin, I'm not interested in apologies. Either way, you hurt me and now I'm really starting to worry whether you do truly love me. I know that you want to find your daughter, if Henry or any of our children were stuck with Rumpelstiltskin I would be doing exactly the same. But you lost your way and pushed us all away and look what it's done! It's pulled our family apart!" she whimpers, tears running down her face

"I know, I understand Regina" I sigh, knowing what's coming

"But that doesn't mean we can't be fixed! That doesn't mean we can't mend our family! I love you Robin, I always have and I probably always will, but I don't know if you feel the same. I don't want our children growing up without a father, I want us all to be happy and the only way we can do that is by being a family. I'm tired of being mad at you, I've just had my daughter and I want to be happy and stay that way for the rest of my days and the only way I can do that is with you" she continues

"Really? You want to forgive me after everything I said?" I frown

"Robin, everyone deserves a second chance. We're soul mates, we love each other and we get through our rough patches together, no matter what" she smiles

"I love you" I smile, leaning in to kiss her

"I love you too" she smiles back

We pull apart as our daughter starts to squirm in Regina's arm, making us both giggle.

"And I love you too" I coo

Regina passes her to me carefully and I stare at her for ages, admiring her beauty.

"She's beautiful Regina, what's her name?" I whisper

"Grace Maria-Hope Locksley" she smiles

"I love it" I mumble, kissing my daughters head softly

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