Chapter 1

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The sun shines brightly through the window, reminding me that today is a special day. My daughter's birthday. My beautiful Sophia's first birthday! It doesn't feel like a year has gone by since she was born, I remember when I first held her in my arms like it were yesterday. And I'm sure Regina does too.

I can say that Regina is finally happy; she finally got her happy ending that she deserved. She loves spending time with Sophia and Sophia simply adores her mother! But then again she's a natural with her. The past few months haven't been easy for her. Her broken tailbone has only just fully healed but she still struggles to walk. She had another fall a couple of months ago, damaging it again but she's healing slowly. It hasn't stopped her from spending time with Sophia or Henry or Roland, no matter how many times Snow has told her to rest! She's stubborn like that!

I feel her move beside me and she smiles at me.

"It's our princesses' birthday" I whisper to her, kissing her

Her face suddenly drops and I know what she's thinking about. Zelena. She still thinks she caused her to crush her own heart. No matter how many times I tell her it wasn't her fault, she doesn't listen to me.

"Hey, it's okay, come on don't be sad, it's our princesses birthday" I smile

She nods simply, tears running down her face.

"Babe, please don't be upset" I say to her

"I'm sorry, I just keep thinking it's my fault, I blame myself for what she did" she admits

I take my hand in hers and smile at her

"Don't be, you did what you thought was right, and it was, it was her choice to do that, not yours" I say reassuringly

She nods again

"Now, let's go and see our princess shall we?" I smile

She smiles and I help her out of bed and watch her as she grabs some clothes out the wardrobe and closing the bathroom door behind her.

Okay so I know it's not very good but I promise it gets better! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter, I'm open to improvement and suggestions for the story! Thanks for reading!

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