Chapter 2

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It's been a year since my beautiful baby girl was born. I should be happy but I'm not. I love Sophia and it's not her fault at all. But my sister ended her life because of me, on this day. Because I didn't give her a second chance. I left Robin's child without a mother and no one knows where she is. It's all my fault and blame myself.

But I have to think positive because it's my daughter's birthday. I'm going to put on a smile and enjoy the day with my little girl.

I turn on the shower and carefully step in, being careful not to slip and fall again like I did a couple of months ago which damaged my spine even more. Snow finally found out whereabouts I'd damaged and it turned out when Zelena threw me that I broke my tailbone and giving birth made it worse and falling in the shower a couple of months later made it worse. But I'm healing, slowly.

Once I'm showered, I step out and pull on the red dress I picked out and click my fingers to dry my hair. Then I clean my teeth and apply my makeup and slip into my flat black shoes as I can't wear heels anymore.

Then I unlock the door and head out to find Robin stood by Sophia's crib, watching her sleep. He senses my presence and smiles at me, walking over to me and kissing my lips lovingly.

"You look stunning my queen" he smiles

"Why thank you, my thief" I giggle

He grabs some clothes from his side of the wardrobe and locks the bathroom door behind him, turning the shower on.

I stand by Sophia's crib and watch as she sleeps peacefully, her soft brown curls lay around her. It doesn't feel like a years gone by. She's grown so fast for my liking. I don't remember Henry growing up that fast.

OQ scene, cute! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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