Chapter 81

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I squeeze my mother's hand tightly as Snow examines me, the discomfort making tears well up in my eyes. Finally, she removes her hands and I relax into the pillow. I have a feeling it's not good news.

"She's only three centimetres" Snow whispers to my mother

I throw my head back in annoyance, a hand resting on my stomach as my baby kicks me hard in the ribs.

"Hey, it's okay" my mother reassures me

There's a loud crying coming from Sophia's crib. I completely forgot she was sleeping in her crib! I try to get up but my mother grabs my arm.

"I've got her" my mother whispers, getting up to grab her

She scoops her up from the crib and holds her in her arms as she rubs her sleepy eyes.

"Mama!" she cries, reaching out for me

"Mama can't hold you sweetie" my mother coos, making her cry even louder

I squeeze my eyes shut as I feel a contraction come on, making me grab Snow's hand and bite my lips so hard that I can taste blood.

"AHHHHHHH! HENRY!!" I scream, as the pain intensifies

I hear footsteps running down the corridor and Henry enters the room nervously, stopping in his tracks when he sees me.

"Mom? What's going on? Where's Robin?" he rushes

"I need you to watch your sister for a little while, this baby's coming now Henry and I don't want her in here, can you do that for me?" I ask

"Of course mom, but where's Robin?" he nods

I'm about to reply when a contraction comes on, making me unable to speak.

"AHHHH! SNOW!" I scream, reaching for her hand

"I'm here it's okay" she reassures me, taking my hand in hers as I squeeze the blood out of it

"I'll show Henry out" my mother offers, still holding Sophia in her arms

Snow nods at her and they exit the room quietly...

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