Chapter 18

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I pace up and down the room frantically, thinking about what I'm going to say to him. I don't really want to talk to him and bring it up but I know I have to because I want to know what's wrong with him, I'm sick of feeling completely and utterly helpless.

The bedroom door opens quietly, revealing Robin. He smiles weakly at me and I know something is still wrong, but not whatever happened a month ago, something new.

"Hey babe" he whispers, kissing my lips softly

"Hey" I smile back

"How was your walk?" I ask

"Alright" he sighs

I can see there's something wrong in his eyes; I can see the pain and the worry.

"Robin, are you okay?" I ask

"Yeah, fine, why do you ask?" he lies

"No, sit down" I instruct him

He does as I say and frowns at me.

"What's going on? Something hasn't been right since Sophia's birthday party and now something else has happened, tell me what it is I'm worried about you!" I sigh

"I've just been tired, that's all" he lies again

"No it's more than that, please tell me the truth, I'm sick of feeling in the dark!" I insist

"Fine, there is something going off" he sighs

"Tell me what it is and I can help you!" I say my voice a lot calmer now

"On Sophia's birthday, when I went to answer the door, there wasn't anyone there but the card was on the porch. I looked out into the woods and I saw a girl with ginger hair and blue eyes, it looked like Amelia, I don't if it was my imagination or if it was another girl who looked like her but I did see her. And then today I saw her again, when I called out to her she ran away, she's alive, she has to be and I can't shake the feeling that she isn't dead!" he explains, tears falling down his face

I wrap my arms around him and hold him as he cries. All he wants is his daughter and I can't do anything to bring her back because she's gone.

After a while he pulls apart from me and rubs his eyes, wiping the tears away.

"Robin, I know you miss her and your upset but she wouldn't want you to be upset, she loved you and I know this is hard for me to say but she's not really here. When you saw her today and on Sophia's birthday, it was probably in your head, she's reminding you that she's there, please don't go on a goose chase when you know she's gone" I reassure him as best I can

He nods and hugs me again

"I love you Regina" he whispers

"I love you too" I whisper back

"Now let's get to bed" I add, clicking my fingers and both of us change into our pyjamas

We climb into bed and I snuggle close to him, falling to sleep instantly.

Poor Robin :(! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

Searching- the Bond of Love sequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora