Chapter 40

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Two hours later


I've been sat by Regina's side for two hours now, not wanting to leave her side incase something happens. Tears keep streaming down my face every time I look at her because I know it's all my fault, I put her up to this and I shouldn't have.

And what about Henry and Roland? Do they know? I'd hate to have to tell them that their mother is dying. Roland, Henry and Sophia wouldn't be able to cope, Sophia especially; she adores Regina. They'd hate me if she died because of what I asked her to do -I know Henry would especially.

"Robin are you okay?" a familiar voice says from behind me, pulling me out of my thoughts

I turn around to see Snow, tear tracks staining her cheeks.

I shake my head wearily and put my head in my hands so she doesn't see me cry.

"Oh Robin, come here" she whispers, wrapping her arms around me

When we pull apart she looks at me, smiling weakly.

"What is it, what's wrong?" she frowns

"This is all my fault. I asked Regina to make that potion and now she's dying because it backfired. I'm a murderer" I blurt

"Robin, you listen to me, this is not your fault! Regina didn't know that was going to happen, none of us did. She did it because her magic worked last time with Sophia. But obviously this baby is different and it doesn't like magic. Please don't blame yourself" she reassures me

"Do Henry and Roland know?" I ask

"I ran into Henry earlier and I told him, he didn't take it very well and ran off crying" she sighs

"I'll go and talk to him" I nod, removing my hand from Regina's limp and pale one

"Let me know if anything happens okay?" I add before leaving the room

Happy new year guys! First update of 2016! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading! 

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