Chapter 66

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Present time


I couldn't believe what I just heard. The words played over in my head again 'She's lost one of the babies'. How could this happen? Why now of all times?

I shrink to my knees, tears streaming down my face, the pain almost unbearable.

"How- how did it happen?" I stammer

"I don't know, I think it might've been when she fell that triggered it, but I don't know. Robin I'm so sorry" she whispers

"What about the other baby?" I ask

"I manage to save them, they're perfectly fine, but the other one didn't make it" she explains

"How does that work, one baby surviving but the other dying?" I frown

"I don't know, it's just how the world works" she sighs

"How's Regina?" I ask, changing the subject

"She's unconscious but she's okay. I manage to stop her bleeding to death"

"Does she know about the baby?" I ask, tears falling down my face

"No" she sighs

"I guess it's up to me to tell her. God, it'll break her heart, I can't bear to see her so heartbroken" I whisper, my voice shaking

"Do you want me to tell her?" Snow offers

"No, no I need to do it" I reassure her

"Okay, just be prepared, take all the time you need" she nods

"Can I see her?" I ask

"Of course" she nods, leading me into the room

Regina lies on the bed, her face pale and a hand resting on her slightly swollen stomach. I let out a shaky gasp as I sit beside her in a chair, grabbing her free hand, which falls limply.

"I'll leave you to it" Snow decides, leaving the room

I hear the door close quietly behind me and I turn back to my soul mate. Tears streaming down my face again, my salty tears making me choke.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault. I left you again, I'm so sorry" I whisper to her limp and pale body

"But we'll get through this love, I promise, we can do it. I just don't know how to tell you" I continue, my voice shaking

Hey guys! I'm so sorry my updates have been so on and off pattern! I've been trying to update but then I've had other things to do! Hopefully things should be back to normal soon! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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