Chapter 19

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Two weeks later


Robin isn't himself still. He's gotten worse and I'm starting to worry about him. He won't speak to me, he won't eat, he barely leaves our room; he'll just lie on the bed, staring at the ceiling. I've tried speaking to him but he won't talk to me, I've tried to get Sophia to cheer him up but it hasn't worked and Sophia never fails to make him smile normally, just this time round.

I want the old Robin back, the kind, caring and happy Robin I fell in love with. Not the unhappy Robin who won't speak to me.

Snow suggested he was grieving, I agree with her. It's so hard for him, he never met her and he won't ever get the opportunity now because she's gone. I don't know how to comfort him either, I sit beside him most of the time, holding his hand but he doesn't do anything.

I'm sat in the kitchen with a cup of tea, feeling like I'm going to cry. Robin wouldn't get up this morning and he wouldn't eat when I made him some toast. I'm struggling to cope with him being like this, but it's all out of my control.

The door opens and Snow walks into the room, I smile weakly at her and she sits beside me, taking my hand in hers.

"How is he?" she asks

"Not good" I sigh

"He'll get better Regina, things will get better" Snow reassures me

"It's easy for you to say, you aren't sat there watching him stare at the ceiling all day!" I snap

"I know but you have to have," she starts


She sighs and wraps her arms around me but I pull away from her as my stomach starts to churn violently, making me run to the sink and throwing up my breakfast and my cup of tea. Snow holds my hair back and rubs my back in soothing circles.

Finally, it stops and cling to the sink, head rested in my arms. Eventually I look up at Snow and I feel bad for everything that just happened.

"I'm sorry" I whisper

"No problem" she smiles

The door opens and Robin comes in, the colour has returned to his face and he looks a lot better. Snow and I both stare at him in shock.

"Hey babe, are you okay?" I ask him in surprise

"I'm fine, I'm going for a walk, clear my head a bit, I won't be long" he explains

"Oh okay, do you want me to come with you?" I offer

"No I'm going with Killian and Emma" he says

"Okay, well, be careful" I shrug

"I will, I love you" he replies

"I love you too" I shout back as he shuts the door

"See nothing to worry about, he's perfectly fine!" Snow smiles

"I just hope it stays that way" I sigh

I know I keep skipping in time and I apologize! Comment your thoughts/opinions on this chapter and thanks for reading!

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