Chapter 93

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I've been pacing up and down the corridor for the past two hours, Regina's ear piercing screams bringing tears to my eyes.

This is all my fault. If I hadn't had left her or hurt her, she wouldn't have gone into labour on her own and I'd be able to be with her. I shouldn't have said what I said; I regret it and I don't blame her if she doesn't want to see me again. I deserve it.

As Regina's screams get louder, I start panicking. What if something's wrong? What if they don't survive?

I want to be in there with her, then I'd know what was going on. But I'm paying the price for what I did to her and not seeing my child being born.

There's a loud scream coming from the room and then silence until a baby's cry fills the air, making me breathe a sigh of relief. They're okay, I have a child.

Tears well up in my eyes as I think about my new child, I just hope that our family will be able to come back together...

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