The Gods Get a Weird Request....

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Percy was not the only one who was being plagued by dreams. There was another person who was going through the same things and dreamed about almost the same things as Percy, except hers were more like flashes. Rachel has hardly had a full night's sleep since the war was over. Even now she was plagued with the dreams but she felt that these were different than the usual ones she got. These flashes were not the present, nor were they the future, they were the past and she knew particularly whose past it was and that was what was terrifying. Even the thought of her friend was enough to send her into a puddle of her own tears, but it looked as though they had dried out now.

She had to get it all out and with that thought she did the only thing that relieved her from that. She started painting those flashes and images that were running through her mind. Her hands were moving at lightning speed as she captured her dreams on pieces of paper. At the end of three hours, she had five paintings done.

The first was a younger Percy being abused by Gabe and bullied by his friends.

The second one was a broken Percy at the banks of the River Phlegethon. His eyes empty and lifeless.

The next one was Percy in a bed that was clearly not his known by the absence of his signature Little Mermaid or Finding Nemo bed-sheets. Beside him was a worn out and tired Sally tending to him.

The fourth one was Percy in his room with Luke by his side both of their looks gracing the brightest of smiles. 

The last one was the camp, but the thing was that everybody had their backs turned on Percy as though they were blaming him for the wars.  But somewhere in the shadows hovering over Percy was a worried Nico.

It was now that she was able to understand those scenarios. It were Percy's thoughts, his dreams and fears and she knew that something must be done to get him out of his mind. It was slowing his recovery and making him give up on life. She didn't want to see her friend this broken. And now that she knew what was wrong she was not going to hold back in helping him and get it done.


By the time that Rachel reached the throne room, she wasn't too shocked on seeing the Olive skinned boy there. She knew of his feelings and had actually known for quite some time now.

After checking on Percy the usual group of demigods had assembled in the throne room. Breakfast was supposed to be arranged in one of those huge ballrooms attached to the throne room. Almost all the campers sacrificed their food and prayed for Percy. They just wanted their sassy friend and fellow camper back. They couldn't take the fact that he was there lying on a bed, in the infirmary.... 

As they were all regaining their composure, they heard a sudden crash and saw Nico running into the throne room and whispering something to Apollo. After a short conversation Apollo nodded and approached Zeus. "We need to have a meeting held. I want the campers to attend also."and even before Zeus agreed Apollo summoned the gods and the campers.


Rachel had thought of talking to the rest of the seven and their group and thought of discussing her opinion but now that the meeting came up she had to wait.

"So, what is it that you wanted to discuss here Apollo." boomed Zeus' voice across the throne room. 

"Nico, had come up with a request and i think that it would help in Percy's recovery." after getting a quizzical look from everyone occupying the room Nico, at Apollo's signal, stepped forward and asked "I think that we should allow Sally Jackson and Paul Blofis if required to Olympus."

"What!!!" boomed Zeus' and a few other gods like Athena and Ares' across the room. "That is outrageous. We can't have mortals in Olympus." 

"I don't care i think that being with Sally is the only way that Percy can have a quick recovery. He has a very strong bonding with his mom and that is maybe the only way for a speedy recovery." 

Hearing Nico's request and his answer Rachel was quite shocked because she had thought of discussing about the same thing to the others. 

"Father, with all due respect, I think Nico's suggestion is right. To recover he needs Apollo to tend to him and check on him and his mother for that bond strength. You have to accept it father. You have to arrange their accommodation either here or somewhere where he will be safe." it had come from the most shocking person, Artemis.

"I don't care. I am not going to allow mortals into my realm. I don't mind sending him somewhere else away from harm but Olympus is out of bounds." came Zeus' stern voice calming everyone down. 

"Where do you suggest we take him. Apollo should be able to access him and have availability of things he requires." asked Rachel.

Annabeth chimed in having an idea of a place that would be just right for them."What about Ogygia?" she asked meeting Calypso's eyes.


Hello guys, 

Hope you liked the update. My exams are over so i would most likely be able to update by next week again. Also sorry for the somewhat short update. Hope you have a great day/night.

What do you think of Rachel's dreams and 

What do you think will be Calypso's reaction.

 Vote and Comment. 

Love, Maggie

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