Realizations and Revelations

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It was around noon the same day, by the time Percy was taken into the infirmary and was being tended to, by the goddess of hearth, sun god and the sea god.

Till a long time none of the gods inside the infirmary had come out making most of the demigods to disperse from there anxiously, to mull on their thoughts and think them through.

***** Break*****

The daughter of Athena was starting to feel uncomfortable. The atmosphere was depressingly calm and eerily silent. The fears were starting to creep into her. Though she didn't tell anybody, she was terrified. Percy's body lying in the infirmary brought back to her the memories of Luke. She remembered the day, about 4 years ago, the torn and frail body of Luke as Kronos possessed him slowly. All these thoughts just creeped into her making her feel completely terrified. For many years Percy was the only thing stable in her life. He was there for her when she needed him. He supported her through thick and thin. Had her back at the time when her mother was not accepting her. As all this came to her, she remembered those days that they spent in Tartarus. She knew that she wouldn't have survived Tartarus and would have given up long ago if it was not for Percy. She owed her life to Percy for all that he had done for her.

Going over all this, she felt guiltier than she was previously. She felt that all the pain that Percy felt was somehow or the other inflicted upon him by her. And the fact that she wanted to break up with him didn't make her feel any better. She felt as though she had used him and suddenly dropped him. It wasn't as though she didn't like him. It was just that she doubted the depth of her feelings towards Percy. She saw him more as best friend, a brother than as a lover, the reason for her decision to break up with Percy. After a long time she felt as though her conflicting sides had ceased to decide on their own and had rather let her make the decision. She was no more in denial and was able to think straight.

They were few other reasons for her decision. It wasn't because she felt he was weaker than her now, it was because she felt that both of them needed somebody to help them through this. She was afraid not that Percy would hurt her but that she would disappoint him in some way. She feared that he would be manipulated and exploited. She had enough faith in him to believe that he wouldn't turn his backs onto them but she also knew of the demands of people and how they could change others according to their likes. Besides all this, there were things about him that she knew. Things he didn't realize about himself. She knew that the days spent in Tartarus had changed them both for worse and that they couldn't burden each other by leaning on the other. Slowly she realised that the only reason they were both together was because that was the easy way out and what most of the others wanted.

Right now she missed Percy more than anything. She needed to know how he was now. While she was trapped in her mind thinking things through, she didn't notice where she was going and crashed head first into someone's chest. When she looked up she saw the olive skin and dark brown almost black orbs filled with pain and understanding, a person that she had avoided for most of the time.

It was now, after a long time that she realized how Nico had changed. He was no longer the short, curious, happy-go-lucky guy from Maine, nor was he the sulky-broody boy in the labyrinth trying to reawaken his dead sister. No, right now Nico was the most level headed and practical person in the lot. He had his heart guarded and never let his emotions rule him. He had learnt and understood what his sister meant when she said that holding grudges was always the fatal flaw of the children of Hades. Standing at 6'3" he was more sensible at times when none of them could think and work straight. He was one of those important for a quest, not because he was the chosen one but because he would gladly remain in the sidelines and help them.

All these years Nico had intentionally or unintentionally helped them out of tight spots. He suggested the curse-of-Achilles to Percy, helped them in the labyrinth, persuaded Hades in to joining the war, searched for Percy, Got trapped in a jar trying to close the doors of death, confessed his feelings to Eros (let's just say she shouldn't know about it), Lead the crew to Epirus and lastly but it certainly wasn't the least brought the Athena Parthenos to camp half-blood and saved the world. Now that she thought, the list was exhaustive. Somehow or the other he had done small, minute things that by themselves didn't mean anything but put together they were things that were immensely great and important in their own way. She was one of those who had created opinion on him and judged him without even thinking and was ashamed of it. For the first time, today she felt sincere gratitude towards the son of Hades. All these days, she had avoided him as she feared that he would come between her and Percy's relationship. But now that she realized how much of a lie that was she was glad that she had decided to let go of him. She was even glad to have somebody like Percy at such a great level, someone who admired him. Somebody who admired him for being himself rather than the hero.

As all these thoughts scattered across her mind, she didn't realize that she was staring at him.

"Annabeth!!!"Nico's calm and composed voice brought her out of her reverie. "Oh! Sorry.. Nico I didn't see where I was going and crashed into you." She apologized and was playing with her fingers and pulling them in all odd angles. Her face showed that she was shaken by the news and that she was nervous about something. Of what Nico didn't know.

"It's alright Annabeth. It was a mistake. No problem." With that being said Nico stepped out, turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait. Nico..." he turned back and looked at her. "Umm... C...can I walk with you." Her voice was quivering as she felt unsure about this. At her words Nico was surprised to say the least. He scrunched his eyes and frowned a little in thought. After about a minute or half he nodded in reply to Annabeth and gestured her to accompany him.

As the both of them worked side by side the atmosphere turned tense. They were both hesitating to speak their hearts out in fear of causing the other hurt. After walking for some time now all they could see was a vast spread of water standing on the white sand.

Nico couldn't stand this tense situation anymore. He knew that he should improve his relationship with Annabeth and in that regard tried to approach her with utmost civility.

"What is it Annabeth? What did you want to talk about?" not in the least bit suspecting what was about to come.

"I wanted to thank you Nico..." came the blonde's voice. It was shivering and clearly showed that she was feeling uncomfortable and unsure of herself and her decision for the first time. "You don't have to Annabeth" Nico interrupted her.

"Please Nico just let me complete it. I need to get this out. First of all I am not saying this for bringing the others to Epirus and rescuing us. Partly it may be that but most of it is for a completely different reason. I want to thank you for being there for Percy when I wasn't. You didn't give up hope on him and stood by his side even without being there physically if you understand what I'm saying. I also want to thank you for keeping an eye out for us". At this she took a deep breath thinking over and trying to formulate how she is going to convey the next part of her message to Nico. "There is something else also. Nico, Percy may seem indifferent towards you and may seem as though he doesn't like you but just remember you mean a lot to him, even though he himself doesn't know about it being as oblivious as he is. He just feels sad for letting B...Bianca die and breaking your promise. Please give it some space and time. Everything will unravel and workout eventually."

Nico was astonished to hear Annabeth's words spilling out of her mouth. It was far from what he thought it to be and it surprised him. He slowly realized what she was saying and froze as it seeped into him and became crystal clear.

I am so so so sorry for not updating soon. I am in twelfth grade right now and i am unable to find time in this tight schedule of mine to update or write. I have another part of this written down but still need to type it so i need some more time. I'll try and update it.

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All my love.

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