Whats Happened to Percy ( part 2)

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Poseidon was exhausted after his argument with Amphitrite. It seems as though all his time and energy is being taken up only by his arguments with his wife. He was getting anxious. He had seen that the Montauk beach and the beach at the camp were uncommonly calm. It felt like the calm before a storm. The water at camp beach was not its vibrant sea green anymore it was a dull green, just like the colour of Percy's eyes when he felt worn out or when he couldn't take the stress anymore. He knew that both these beaches were very affected by moods of his son. All this was completely wrecking his brain because he wasn't sure what had happened. When he heard Hestia's voice in his mind telling him to come to Olympus as quickly as possible, he was even more panicked and tele-ported himself to the throne room on Olympus.
When Poseidon had come to Olympus he didn't expect to encounter the scene he did. It just broke his heart to see his favourite son completely torn and worn out. He could feel the lowering level of the fluids in his body and could see the heart-braking tears rolling down his cheeks. His skin was pale and hollow, basically shouting out "HELP!!!"He was scared to approach him. Seeing all those people standing around him with his brother's son's arms around him sobbing into his hair he was scared of what had happened. He hoped that it was nothing serious and that his beloved son was still alive.

Just as he thought that he couldn't take it anymore and quickened his pace he swore he could hear a not-so-steady thumping coming from Percy. Immediately he knew that it was Percy's heartbeat. He was sure of that because of three reasons- Firstly because it was a merge of both, his and Sally's heartbeat, secondly because of all the nights he had tried to sneak out to see his son, and thirdly because of a completely different reason. Percy's heartbeat was very similar to the sea. It was calm and composed when happy and well, it would never harm anything or anyone until they did something against it and its rage was terrific. He could see all these in Percy and he could hear his heartbeat in the waves of his sea.

All the other occupants in the throne room knew immediately that something was wrong. They knew that whatever their saviour was dreaming about must be something really hard to cope with.
Nico had a feeling that he knew what his Sea Prince was dreaming about. He had an intuition which yelled at him that Percy was dreaming about that hellhole. He wished with everything he had that it wasn't Tartarus; he didn't know that it was something worse.
Just as the rest of their occupants were trying to mull their thoughts, they heard a slight gasp from Percy and saw Nico rush towards him. Percy's eyes were jerked wide open with fear and terror swimming in them.
Nico rushed to Percy's side and caught him just in time before he crashed onto the cold hard marble flooring. He could feel the coldness seeping into Percy. He wanted to warn them about it, about Percy's condition but couldn't bring his voice out.
Just as the condition got even worse two voices warned them "he is losing his aura, please be quick" both voice were as similar as they were different. One was the cold and calm voice of hades while the other was the panicky voice of Poseidon, both with concern dripping through them evidently.
As soon as the words came out of his mouth Poseidon could feel all of their eyes on him. They all were sad and regretted now for not treating him the right way when they could.
Apollo gave Poseidon a curt nod and hurriedly took Percy into the infirmary and put him into one of those beds. As he closed the doors he could see the anxiousness written all over the others faces. At that moment he knew that this would be one of those cases were he would give everything he could and if required more to recover. He couldn't face the council members and demigods if he let them down. He would do it for Poseidon, Sally, Nico and his other friends. He didn't need to be Aphrodite to know that Nico loved Percy and he couldn't face him if he let him down.


After Percy was taken into the infirmary everybody dispersed. The gods, with their kids who had arrived just about 10 minutes ago, had gone to their respective cabins to catch up with their kids. Leos heart swell to see that the gods were paying attention to their kids at least now but he didn't like that it had cost this to wake them up from their oblivious state. The gods were trying to catch upon everything that was going on in camp and with those who were in contact with their mortal families.

Hades was deep in thought; he knew that Nico couldn't be able to bear it if anything happened to another one of the persons that he loved immensely. He was sure that Nico would blame himself if anything had happened to the sea prince. He still remembered the day when Nico had brought Percy to the underworld so that he can take the curse of Achilles. Nico had fought his own father to save the person he loved; he had literally begged his father to join the fight just so that he could be near the son of Poseidon. This was not the only reason that Hades wanted to know how his nephew was. After all this time if there was anything he had learnt anything it was that one could not give upon his family whatever happens. Percy had on more than one occasion showed him respect and had tried to keep his children (Nico and Hazel) feel wanted and safe and had tried his best in keeping Bianca safe. Even when the wisest of the gods and goddesses and their children had avoided and didn't believe in Hades and his children, Percy had sought them out and made them feel at home. All this had made Hades to take a liking towards his brother's son.

After seeing the sun god take Percy into the infirmary and close the door everything had gone blank to Nico. He was unaware of his surroundings except that Hestia, Hades and Poseidon were taken into the infirmary later on to help Apollo. Slowly Nico had walked away from the infirmary doors. He didn't realise where he was going until he had reached the white sands and turquoise coloured sea. Oh!! It was such a beautiful contrast just like the sea prince with the porcelain white slightly toned skin and bright sea green eyes. With the last thought being about Percy, Nico had slowly slipped into Morpheus' world.

I am so so sorry that i couldn't update sooner. It will be like this for sometime. Pls bear with me... Thank you all those who are reading and acknowledging my work .

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